Page 9 - Issue-15
P. 9
ELITE 15 January 2020 Page 9
Celebrating 2019 graduates, 1969 class golden jubil ee, 1994 Silver Jubilee
which was also confirmed by Ambassador Adel Al-Meli ji,
Cairo : Omar Alaa
President of the Alumni Association, then Dr. Mahmo ud Al-
On 5 Dec The Faculty of Economics and Political Sci ence Cairo
Saهd confirmed Dr. Mahmoud El-Said, the dean of the fa culty
University held its annual graduation ceremony,
expressed his pride for the three batches, and pra ised their
and celebrated with three batches, the class of 201 9, and the
achievements in practical life, which a reason for making
silver jubilee the batch of 1994 for celebrating th e 25th
FEPS one of most prestigious Faculties in Egypt and Middle
anniversary of its graduation., the golden jubilee the batch of
1969 to celebrate the 50th anniversary of its grad uation.
which was also confirmed by Ambassador Adel Al-Meli ji,
This ceremony regards as a tradition that FEPS has been doing
President of the Alumni Association,On behalf of 20 19, batch
since 1992, Event was organized by Student union of FEPS, that
Marina Hisham Ibrahim the top ranked student in her batch,
earned the favour of the attenders who praised the quality of the
economics department, French section gave an emotio nal
speech, and expressed how the joining to FEPS affec t her life,
The ceremony began with taking a collective photos for each
then thanked academic staff for their effort, and her
batch, on front of Feps building, Then all batches and academic
staff and organizers went to the main hall of Cairo university,
Then Dr. Hala Sultan Abu Ali, a member of the Hous e of
with the march of graduates accompanied by militar y music, led
Representatives, gave the speech on behalf of her batch 1994,
by faculty dean Mahmoud El-Said, ,And Dr. Hanan Moh amedd
and on behalf of 1969 batch, Dr. Ahmed Youssef Ahm ed
Ali the Deputy Dean for Education and Student Affai rs,
delivered the speech was met with loud applause, Fo r his
And accompanied with public figures like Ambassador Mohamed
academic contribution in political science, which e nrich
Al-Orabi, ex-former Minister of Foreign Affairs and member of
political science in both Egypt and Arab world.
the faculty Council, and political writer Ahmed Al- Muslimani,
FEPS also honored post-graduate degree holders (mas ter&
ex-former adviser to the President of the Republic and member of
PhD), And Some Literary events occurred in ceremony such
the faculty Council, and Ambassador Adel El-Meligy, President
as poetry was said by Aya salah & ahmed azhary who
of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science A lumni
students in FEPS. The activities of ceremony accomp anied
with represent a video power by quality team of fac ulty.
In the opening words in the main celebration hall o f Cairo
It is noteworthy that the celebration of the gradua tes ’ day
University, Dr. Hanan Muhammad Ali, Vice-President of the
included the three departments of each batch, polit ical
College, expressed his pride in the excellence of t he college and
science, economics and statistics, and the three se ctions in the
the continuity of its generations,
faculty, which are Arabic, English and French.
ELITE 15 January 2020 Page 9