Page 5 - Issue-15
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ELITE                                                               ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                PAGE 5

       Our guest Dr. Mona Zulficar taking photos with our editors (from left) Yasmin G. Mousa, Silvana Sobhy and Ramy Magdy

                                                                These   gains   were   not   limited   only   to   women   but
   trust that the Egyptian  have in their economy. All   those are
                                                                extended  to  the  rights  of  the  children,  youth,  the   elderly
   important factors for the growth of the Egyptian ec  onomy.
                                                                and   the   disabled.   The   amended   Constitution   reinforc  ed

                                                                the   principle   of   citizenship   disregarding   any   relig  ious,
   •   What   does   the   economic   reform   program   need   to   be
                                                                class,   geographical   or   political   affiliations   or
                                                                considerations.The   Constitution   also   addresses   for   the
   I see that there is a need for structural reform in   institutions
                                                                first time de-centralisation which contributes to e  fficient
   that   deal   with   investors   to   curb   the   red-tape   and   f  acilitate
                                                                utilization   of   regional   resources   and   the   relative
   permits   and   approvals.   For  instance,   the  Civil   Serv  ice   Law
                                                                competitive   advantages   of   the   various   governorates.
   was   issued   to   restructure   and   improve   the   efficienc  y   of
                                                                Currently,   women   hold   15%   of   parliamentary   seats
   governmental   institutions.   However,   there   is   a   need     for
                                                                without   quotas   to   be   increased   to   25%   based   on   the
   institutional   judicial   reforms,   to   enhance   the   effi  ciency,
                                                                recent   amendments   of   the   Constitution,   and   the
   specialization   and   the   speed   of   the   justice   system   and   the
                                                                objective   of   all   the   foregoing   amendments   to   the
   enforceability   of   contracts.Most   of   the   major   contr  acts
                                                                Constitution   is   that   they   have   a   positive   impact   on     the
   provide   for   international  arbitration   and   seeks  to   avoid  the
                                                                lives of all citizens.
   jurisdiction   of   Egyptian   courts   due   to   its   slow   pac  e.

   Therefore,   judicial   reforms   would   not   only   benefit   the
                                                                •   You   have   an   important   role   in   the   area   of   human
   investors   but   would   also   benefit   the   citizens   thems  elves
                                                                rights,   what   is   your   evaluation   of   the   status   of
   because  justice  is  one  of  the  pillars  of  stability   and  stability
   the base for investments.                                    human   rights   in   Egypt   in   light   of   your   work   in   the
                                                                national human rights council?
   •   As   a   legal   expert,   in   light   of   the   constitutional  The   National   Council   has  issued  a  report,  in  the  co  ntext
                                                                of   the   Universal   Periodic   Review   in   2019,   to   the
   documents  issued  since   2011,  what  is  your   evaluatio  n  of
                                                                International   Human   Rights   Council   in   Geneva,as   an
   the current status of the constitution?
                                                                independent  report  from  that   issued   by  the   governme  nt.
   I   have   participated   in   all   the   activities   related   t  o   the
                                                                The   report   is   as   a   matter   of   principle      neutral   and
   constitution   since   January   2011.   I   also   dedicated   m  y   time
                                                                objective,   as      we   mention   the   aspects   of   progress
   and   effort   to   contest   the   Muslim   Brothers   (MB)
                                                                regarding   human   rights   in   Egypt   as   well   as   the   aspe  cts
   constitution   during  its  formulation   in  2013.   I  used     to  issue
                                                                where   there   are   shortcomings.   For   example,   we   calle  d
   and  circulate   tables   explaining  and  pointing  out   th  e   booby-
                                                                for  the  reconsideration  of  the   law   on  pre-trial  det  entions
   trapped   articles   in   their   proposed   constitution,   so     that
                                                                because   there   are   many   accused   persons   who   spend   a
   everyone  would  realize   the   dangers   and  risks   to   Egy  pt  and
                                                                long time in detention, but then are declared innoc  ent by
   the  Egyptian   identity   that   such   a  constitution   woul  d  entail.
                                                                the   court.   therefore   the   legal   provisions   governing     this
   Afterwards,   I   participated   in   the   Committee   of   50   a  nd
                                                                matter   must   be   reconsidered   altogether.When   we   issu  e
   served   as   its   Vice   President.We   worked   under   very   h  ard
                                                                our   reports   on   our   visits   to   prisons   and   make   any
   conditions,   and   given   the   circumstances,      the   amend  ed
                                                                reservations,   the   Ministry   of   Interior   works   to   rem  edy
   Constitution   has   achieved      unprecedented   gains,   as   it   has
                                                                them  and  we  follow  up  such  remedies.  Accordingly,  t  he
   affirmed   certain   rights      for   the   first   time   for   the     Egyptian
                                                                reports issued by the NHRC are independent,
   citizens, human rights, and women  ’s rights.
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