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ELITE                                                               ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                PAGE 3


                               ARE NEEDED IN OUR NATIONAL STRATEGY

                                                               All   our   professors   at   the   time   had   an   important
   •   When   did   you   first   become   acquainted   with   the
                                                               influence   on  particularly  that  our  class  comprised   about
   Faculty   of   Economics   and   why   did   you   specifically
                                                               100   students   only.   However,   those   who   influenced   me
   choose it?
                                                               personally   the   most   were,   Prof.Zaki   Shafei,   who   was
   When   I   graduated   from   Secondary   school,   the   Faculty     of
                                                               the   Faculty   Dean   at   the   time,   Prof.   Fathallah   Al-
   Economics&   Political   Science   was   relatively   new   and
                                                               Khateeb,   Prof.   Abdelamalek   Odah,   and   Prof.
   known  as  the  faculty  of  excelling  students.  This  me  ant  that
                                                               KhairyEissa.  I   really  enjoyed  my   college  life.  Alth  ough
   the  scope  of  job   opportunities  for  its   graduates  in    the  labor
                                                               I   was   academically   successful,   I   joined   multiple   ex  tra-
   market   would   be   more   promising.   It   was   also   the   fir  st   to
                                                               cuarricular   activities;   I   was   the   starof   the   drama   team
   offer   specialization   in   Political   Science   making   it     the
                                                               during   the   first   two   years   and   we   won   the   universit  y’s
   destination   of   students   coming   from   the   different   A  rab
                                                               trophy.We  performed  plays  of  internationally  acclai  med
   countries. I was only but 16 years old then and I d  id not yet
                                                               writers   on   the   stage   of   the   National   Theatre   in   the
   think   of   becoming   a   lawyer,   and   the   Faculty   of   Law   was
                                                               Arabic   Fusha,   I   also   took   part   in   sports   and   cultur  al
   not   an   attractive   option   at   the   time.   Accordingly,   my
                                                               activities,   and   established   language   tutoring   class  es   to
   choices were limited to two: either to choose the F  aculty of
                                                               help   my   colleagues.   There   was   one   time   when   Prof.
   Economics   and   Political   Science   to   potentially   be   a
                                                               Mustafa   Al-Saeed   asked   to   meet   my   father   the
   diplomat,   or   take   Cinematic   direction   and   be   a  dire  ctor   of
                                                               renowned   actor   Salah   Zulficar,   and   he   told   my   fathe  r
   movies.I   chose   the   former,   but   after   working   for   a   few
                                                               that   if   I   were   to   focus   on   my   studies   and   decrease   the
   years   at   the   UN,  and   one   year  as  a   manager   of   one   o  f   the
                                                               time I dedicate to different activities I would hav  e easily
   major   law   offices   in   Cairo,   I   found   my   way.   It   was   then
                                                               become  the   top  of   my   class.   What  I   want   to   say   is   t  hat
   that   I   discovered   that   I   find   my   happiness   and   fulf  illment
                                                               college   life   is   much   more   than   just   studying   and   th  at
   in   a   free   profession   as   opposed   to   employment.   I   de  cided
                                                               such activities help significantly to build various   aspects
   that I wanted to join the noble legal profession as   a lawyer,
                                                               of  a  student  ’s  personality  and   are  thus  very  important.   I
   so   I   went   back   to   study   Law   while   training   as   a   law  yer.
                                                               remember   my  Professors  from  whom  I  learnt   a  lot  wit  h
   Eventually,   I   found   myself   in   this   career   and   my
                                                               remarkable memories and gratitude.
   background   at   the   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Politica  l

   Science   helped   me   become   a   distinguished   and   non-
                                                               •   How   does   the   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Political
   traditional lawyer.
                                                               Science enrich its students?
   •   Who   are   the   professors   that   influenced   your
                                                               Our   Faculty   is   unique,   as   it   gives   its   students   a
   personality the most?
                                                               multicultural background allowing them to have
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