Page 6 - Issue-15
P. 6

ELITE                                                               ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                PAGE 6

            ﻝﺰﻜﻔ لﺎﻕﺟ ﻖﻠﻕﺰﺎﻟ و ﻞﺤﺒﺶ ﺎﻗﺎﻉﻒﻠﺰ , يﺪﺠﻔ ﻞﻔار : (ﻖﻠﻕﻠﻑا) ﻖﻔ ﺎﻘﻟرﺭﺤﻔ ﻁﻔ ﺔﻟرﺎﻎﺬﺗ رﻜﺶ ﻞﻈ رﺎﻌﻉﻑا وذ ﻝﻘﻔ .د ﺎﻘﺘﻉﻠﺹ

   recording   what  occurs  in  real   life  and   objectively   assessing  after   being   rejected   by   multiple   producers   because   it
   the   facts   from   a   human   rights   perspective.   Hence,   w  e  was  seen  as  non-commercial  and  that  it  wouldn  ’t  render
   neither   applaud   nor   criticize   the   whole   time,   but   w  hen  profits.My father was a supporter of women  ’s rights and
   progress   is  made  in  legislation,  implementation  or   services,  Faten was enthusiastic about exposing and resolving   the

   we record that as well.                                     problems   of   married   women   who   cannot   attain   their
                                                               right   to   divorce   by   law.   Therefore,   he   produced   it;
                                                               consequently  these  issues   were  part   of  my  everyday   life
   • You   have  a   similarly   an   active  role  in   women  ’s   rights,
                                                               and  I  understood   Khul  ’  early  in  my  life.   When  I  started
   what is your evaluation of women   ’s rights in Egypt?
                                                               my   legal   career   in  the   80s   I  prepared   a   draft      of   a     new
   There   has   been   a   significant   progress   at   the   consti  tutional
                                                               marriage   contract   and   campaigned   that   parents   would
   level   and   at   the   level   of   appointing   women   in   leadi  ng
                                                               put  conditions  in  the  marriage  contract  that  protec  t  their
   positions;   we   currently   have   female   ministers,   vice
                                                               daughters,  including  Khul  ’  and  the  right   of  a   woman  to
   ministers   and   members   of   parliament.   On   the   other   h  and,
                                                               divorce   herself..   At   first,   it   was   attacked   for   bei  ng   a
   there are still no equal opportunities in the judic  iary. I hope
                                                               western   project;   others   attacked   it   for   being   a
   that   the   Council   of   the   State   will   consider   positiv  ely   the
                                                               communist   one;   however,   I   proved   that   the   Islamic
   applications   of   the   exceptional   Egyptian   womenwho   a  re
                                                               marriage   contract   is   a   civil   contract   and   that   incl  uding
   worthy   of   joining   the   Administrative   Courts   just   as     they
                                                               conditions   is   typical,   and   I   referred   to   the   marria  ge
   proved  their  competence  when   they   joined   the   judici  ary   in
                                                               contract   of   Al   Sayeda  Sukayna   daughter  of   Al   Hussie  n
   the  ordinary  courts;   especially   that   the  Egyptian   w  oman   is
                                                               and   others.   The   campaign   continued   till   I   reached   t  he
   hardworking   and   precise   and   that   the   constitution   h  as
                                                               conclusion   that   a   woman  ’s   right   to   unilaterally   obtain
   affirmed  her  right  to  be  appointed  to  all  judiciary    positions,
                                                               divorce   through   (Khul  ’a)   must   be   affirmed   by   law.   It
   without discrimination.
                                                               was  a  long  battle  but  we  succeeded  in  issuing  the  l  aw  in
   The   percentage   of   women  ’s   unemployment   is   more   than
                                                               2000   and  the  film  was  a   great  support.     Although  th  ere
   two times the male  ’s unemployment rate in youth and fresh
                                                               were   many   challenges  against  the   Khul  ’a   provision,  the
   graduates and the poverty rate in female headed hou  seholds
                                                               Supreme   Constitutional   Court   rejected   them   all.   Thi  s
   is   one   of   the   highest.   So   we   work   in   financing   micr  o
                                                               law   saved   the   lives   of   thousands   of   women   suffering
   projects  as  they  help   youth  and   the  poor  in  general     to   fight
                                                               from   violence   or   even   unhappiness   in   getting   divorc  e
   poverty   and   unemployment,   and   around   70%   of   the
                                                               through   accelerated   Khul  ’a   procedures,   since   women
   beneficiaries   are   women.   Nonetheless,   the   road   ahea  d   is
                                                               give  up   their   deferred   dowry  and   financial   maintena  nce
   still  a   long   one,  the  new  draft   personal  status  law  s  are   still
                                                               and   automatically   obtain   divorce   by   Khul  ’a.      Divorce
   laden with serious problems and there is still a co  nsiderable
                                                               for   damage   still   takes   a   long   time   and   hence   must   b  e
   percentage   of   women   who   suffer   from   poverty   and
                                                               reconsidered   in   order   not   to   force   women   to   give   up
                                                               their financial rights to obtain divorce.
   • What about your role in formulating the law of Kh   ul  ’a

   (women  ’s right to unilateral divorce) in 2000?
                                                               •   What   do   you   think   about   the   draft   regarding
   The   movie   “Oreed   Halan,i.e.   I   need   a   solution  ”   starring
                                                               personal status law drafted by Al-Azhar?
   Faten Hamama was produced by my father Salah Zulfic   ar
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