Page 8 - Issue-15
P. 8

ELITE                                      ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                             PAGE 8

                                       Mental Health & Depression
                                                               Report with Cairo University Students

           Cairo: Carolin Sherief, Farah Ezzeldin, Hana Zakare             yya, Habiba Atef and Dina Ehab
                                                                In   your   opinion   can   psychological   pressure   lead   to   mental   health
   On   Tuesday   10th   of   December,2019,   a   survey   was   held     among   college
   students   from  different   faculties  in   Cairo   Universi  ty.   Those  faculties   were
                                                                The   students   were   all   in   agreement   that   sure   psycho  logical   pressure   can
   faculty  of  Economics  and  political  science,  faculty    of  Arts,   faculty   of  Law,
                                                                lead   to  mental  health  problems   if   it   was   continuous     and   the  person   going
   faculty  of  Mass  communication   and  faculty  of  Commer  ce.  The  survey  was
                                                                through   that   pressure   surrender   to   it   through   not   f  acing   the   pressure,
   conducted with an equal ration among female and mal  e students.
                                                                stopped   fighting   it   or   getting   rid   of   it.   This   woul  d   may   in   fact   lead   to

                                                                aggressive   tendencies   and   increase   the   need   to   be   i  solated   from   other
   These students were asked some questions about psyc  hological pressure, its
   consequences   and   its   impact   on   mental   health   and   th  eir   answers   were   as

                                                                What is your definition of mental illness?
   The   survey   started   with   asking   them   about   the   defin  ition   of   the   term
                                                                To   this  question  we  didn  ’t  find   a  specific  and   adequate  answer.  Which  led
   “bullying  ” from their point of view?
                                                                us to deduce that unfortunately many people are una  ware of the meaning of
   Almost all of the answers stated that bulling is th  e process of making fun of
                                                                ‘mental health  ’ or when can a person be diagnosed with being menta  lly ill.
   a   person   in   terms   of   (his   illness,   physical   appeara  nces,   environment   in
                                                                However,  some  people  answered  that  mental  illness  i  s  worse  than  physical
   which he grew up or his social background ... etc.)  . Some also said that it is
                                                                illness  as   it  is   an  on-going   internal  pain   that  we   cannot  pinpoint  its  origin.
   simply the mockery of a person for being different   than others.
                                                                Mental  illness  may  present  as  a  person  ’s  fear  to  deal  with  other  people(not
   Does   bullying   causes   Psychological   pressure   even   if     it   was   done   in   a
                                                                being  shy)  or  as  severe  depression.  What   was  really    surprising  that  one  of
   humorous way?
                                                                the students that answered that they didn  ’t know what mental illness is, she
   All   students   answered   that   it   is   inevitable   for   bul  lying   to   lead   to
                                                                admitted   that   she   was   in   fact   diagnosed   by   the   doct  ors   as   a   patient   of
   psychological   pressure   even   if   it   was   only   a   joke,   and   also   if   it   was
                                                                mental illness and she was even admitted in psychia  tric hospital.

   They   were   also   asked   about   the   type   of   psychologica  l   pressure   that   they
                                                                From your own perspective when does mental illness   lead to suicide?
   each face?
                                                                All   of   the   students   have   agreed   that   mental   illness     can   lead   to   suicide
   The   answers   to   this   question   varied   from   one   studen  t   to   another.   Some
                                                                however   their   reasons   varied,   some   of   the   reasons   w  ere   the   presence   of
   students   faced   stress   and   pressure   from   college   eit  her   from   the   work   that
                                                                despair,   weak   faith   and   the   inability   to   cope   with   the   illness   and   the
   they  had  to   do  or   because  this  college   was   not  the   one  that   they  wanted  to
                                                                surrounding environment.
   attend   in   the   first   place.   Some   were   due   to   family   and   social   problems.

   However,   one   student   gave   us   a   different   answer   whi  ch  was   the  fact  that
                                                                Finally,   we   ended   our   survey   with   this   question:   in     your   opinion   can   a
   the pressure she faces is her fear of disappointing   her parents.
                                                                person who suffers from psychological stress visit   a psychiatrist?
   How do you face stress?
                                                                Most   of   the   students   answered   that   of   course   they   s  hould   visit   a
   The   answers   here   were   divided   into   two   categories.   Some   students   faced
                                                                psychiatrist because it is the solution to his illn  ess and no one can help him
   stress   by   being  an  introvert  and  isolating   themselv  es  from  the   world,  other
                                                                except  an  expert   despite  the  refusal  of  the  customs    and   society  to  the  idea.
   faced   it   by   having   some   kind   of   escapism   such   as   li  stening   to   music   or
                                                                However, others replied with rejection to the idea   of a psychiatrist.
   hanging out with the people they love.
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