Page 12 - Issue-15
P. 12

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                       PAGE 12

                                      “Faculty of Economics and Political Science

                                     Organizes the annual employment fair in its

                                                        twenty-first version”

                                                           Covered by - Mariam Hefny

                                                           Under   the   shades   of   Faculty   of   Economics   and   Politi  cal   Science,
                                                           Cairo   University   and   under   the   guidance   of   the   Pres  ident   of   the
                                                           University,  Dr.  Muhammad  Othman  Al-Khosht,  and  Dr.   Mahmoud
                                                           Al-Saeed,   Dean   of   the   College,   the   faculty   organize  d   the   annual
                                                           Employment    Fair   in   its   twenty-first   version   on
                                                           Thursday,12.12.2019 with the participation of 25 go  vernmental and
                                                           private  institutions,  which  continued  From  ten  in  t  he  morning  until
                                                           five in the evening at the faculty.
                                                           A   number   of   institutions,   organizations   and   banks   p  articipated   in
                                                           the   fair,   including   the   National   Bank   of   Egypt,   Ban  k   of   Egypt,
                                                           Nasser   Social   Bank,   Arab   Bank   and   Commercial   Intern  ational
                                                           Bank.  In   addition   to   the  Information  and   Decision  S  upport  Center,
                                                           the   Central   Agency   for   Organization   and   Administrat  ion   and   Al-
                                                           Ahram   Center   for   Political   and   Strategic   Studies,   a  nd   ministries
                                                           such   as   the   Ministry   of   Finance,   the   Ministry   of   Pl  anning,
                                                           Monitoring,   and   Administrative   Reform,   and   other   co  ntributing
                                                           companies and institutions.
                                                           Dr.  Muhammad   Othman  Al-Khosht  said   that  the   annual   employment  and
                                                           training   fairs  organized  by   the   different   faculties  of   Cairo   University  aim
                                                           to   invite   companies,   institutions   and   businessmen   to   study   the   extent   of
                                                           the labor market needs of university students and graduates, and offer and
                                                           provide   job   opportunities   and   training   for   them   through   specialized
                                                           workshops,   which  contributes  to  supporting  the  skills  of  students,   as  well
                                                           as  raising  the  capabilities  of  graduates,  assisting  in  their  employment,  and
                                                           gaining new skills that qualify them to join the labor market.
                                                           Dr.   Mahmoud  Al-Saeed,  the  dean  of  the  faculty  expre  ssed   that   the
                                                           annual   employment   fair   organized   by   the   faculty   is   one   of   the
                                                           distinguished activities of the faculty, and aims t  o guide the college
                                                           students  to  the  labor  market  by  inviting  employment     agencies  from
                                                           various   institutions   including   organizations,   minis  tries   and   banks,
                                                           based  on  the  important  role   that   the  faculty  plays   to  link  Graduates
                                                           with   the   labor   market,   so   that   its   role   is   not   limi  ted   to   academic
                                                           education and qualification only.
                                                           On   the   sidelines   of   the   fair  ’s   activities   included   an   introductory
                                                           lecture   on   the   banking   sector,   given   by   Ahmed   Issa,     CEO   of   the
                                                           retail   banking   at   the   International   Commercial   Bank     CIB,   during
                                                           which   he   talked   about   the   role   of   banks   in   the   nati  onal   economy,
                                                           and   the   working   conditions   in   the   banking   sector   an  d   the   most
                                                           prominent   qualifications   and  job  requirements  that   a   student   needs
                                                           to join work in the sector.
                                                           It also included a lecture on how to build your car  eer path given by
                                                           Mr.   Mohamed   Hammouda   from   Faisal   Islamic   Bank,   wher  e   both
                                                           witnessed a great number of students and graduates   attending them.

     ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARAY 2020                                                       PAGE 12
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