Page 15 - Issue-15
P. 15
Pysche of Suicide
Basant So we find Plato for example has seen that we are
Ahmed prisoners of our bodies and we have no right to free
4th year, ourselves By ourselves because this contradicts
political what we were created for, and he excluded many
science things after that, but it is that philosophy that
hear separated two types of instincts are the instinct to
What comes to your mind when you the news
stay or and the instinct of death, The last is that it
of someone's suicide? Who is that person, his
establishes no doubttruth, while the other is what
identity, his family, his personal life, right? Mor e
makes live and live, that the human being is not
importantly his motives, what are the reasons that
allowed to live and continue until death himself
led him to suicide?
stops him, so the person chooses to cut that
Only common and repeated questions, they only
continuation forever in the ways that are in Mostly
satisfy the temporary curiosity after the event, bu t in
psychologically harmful, very painful physically is
general there is inmost question that leads us to a
what is inconsistent with that instinct, which makes
deeper analysis and a more comprehensive
us scrutinize the existence of a continuous
understanding of this frequent phenomenon so that
imbalance that makes us believe that the suicide
we can analyze it or provide an explanation at leas t
attempter only wanted to end his life while all he
reduces its ambiguity.
wanted was to end his pain! Before the suicidal
person took that tragic step he had suffered
I focus on perception of the suicidal idea itself
"suicide" itself which refers to a person's decisio n to
end his life by beating him at a certain time and i n a
It ’s not necessary to assert or attach his decision to
certain wayI wonder, does the suicide attempters
depression, it is about this person has lost his full
have a dedicated philosophy that appears when he
sense of things, life has become darkening
decides to settle the matter and end his life?Liter ally
blackness for him, he is in the tour of realizing
we have to realize that there is a certain psycholo gy
what causes him pain only, so he does not realize
and philosophy of suicide which leads the person to
any meaning or significance for his survival on the
take a step like that which is reflected even on th e
face of the earth longer. This is what we find
tools and method of suicide that differ from case t o
clearly when we try to analyze the last written
another . Many philosophies. Specially moral
messages of anyone from suicides, they almost
philosophy have talked about the topic of suicide,
share in confirming and asserting the existence of a
and many philosophers have spoken since Plato and
specific psychology in which this action is based,
through Nietzsche and Kaumi to Thomas Joiner,
which is “the anti-pain psychology ”getting out from
who presented a completely model summarizing the
a feeling of loneliness, negligence and the decided
psychology of suicide.
psychology that choose to end all of that.