Page 14 - Issue-15
P. 14

ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARAY 2020                                                       PAGE 14
                                        IRAQI PROTESTS:

                                           A POLITICAL SYSTEM


                                         Dr.   Haidar   Muthana   ,   Researcher   at   The   Iraqi   House   of

                                                               translated by: Asmaa Elsafty, revised by: Dina Ehab

    Nowadays   Iraq   is   witnessing   a   state   of   popular   boiling(anger)   and
    demonstrations  that  have  been  going  on  since  1/10/2019,  but  the  way
    to   confront   these   demonstrations,   which   were   punctuated   by   many
    instances of violence without achieving all the demands, which led to
    the  expansion   of  its   scope   and   the   escalation  of   the   demands   ceiling
    from   the   service   to   the   dismissal   of   the   government   and   parliament
    and   the   rejection   of   the   parties   Political   process,   to   change   the
    Electoral   Commission   and   conduct   early   elections   under   the
    supervision  of   the   nation  or   the   common  wealth,  change   the   election
    law   and   amend   the   age   for   running   for   parliamentary   elections,
    leading to the rejection of the entire political process.

    Although   the   demonstrators   raising   the   slogan   of   (peaceful
                                                              However,  the   remarkable  thing   is   that  the   new   generation   who   is
    demonstrations)   and   their   refusal   to   use   violence,   the   levels   of
                                                              leading   the   demonstrations   has   begun   to   establish   a   culture   far
    violence   practiced   against   them   by   the   security   services   and   armed
                                                              from   the   sectarian,   ethnic   and   racial   divide   that   had   prevailed   in
    militias   portend   the   seriousness   of   the   situation   that   could   lead   to
                                                              Iraq after the American occupation, and had caused embarrassment
    armed confrontations between the two sides, especially after the death
                                                              to   the   Islamic   political   stream   that   had   been   leading   the   political
    of   more  than   (640)  demonstrators  and   (   17)   One   thousand  wounded  ,
                                                              process   after  the  year   2003,   which   posed   a   real  threat  to  its   gains.
    and  here   the   three   authorities   began   to   take   several   steps   to   address
                                                              Although   The   government   had  resigned,   this   did   not  lead  to  calm
    these  demonstrations,  which  was  the  formation  of   committees  by  the
                                                              in   the  Iraqi  street   as  the  sit-ins   and   demonstrations  are  continuing,
    Council   of   Ministers   to   meet   the   demonstrators   and   know   their
                                                              in   addition   to   the   student   strike,   which   entered   its   eighth   week,
    demands,   as   it   worked   on   launching   (5)  reform   packages,   while   the
                                                              aiming   at  this   to   change  the   entire  political  process,  all  the  way  to
    House  of   Representatives,   which   was   supportive   and   involved  in  the
                                                              get   rid   of   the   Iranian   influence   and   interference   mainly.   The
    demonstrations,   was   also   adopting   a   reform   package   ,   and   also   the
                                                              unified  slogan  for   the   demonstrators   in  all  the  sit-down  squares  of
    power   of   a   Judicial,   which   began   to   solve   many   of   delayed   cases,
                                                              the   governorates   is   (We   want   a   homeland),   which   refers   to   the
    either   the   most   prominent   demands   of   the   demonstrators,   were
                                                              change of attitudes of the Iraqi people  ’s opinion towards building a
    represented in the following:
                                                              homeland   without   sects,   nationalities   and   divisions   that   will

                                                              achieve  their  dreams  of   a   decent  life   and   achieve  development  for
    1.   Service   demands:   provide   public   services   in   residential   areas,
                                                              all sectors.
    provide   housing   units,   end   the   problem   of   electricity   and   water,
    provide employment opportunities, and improve the health sector.
    2.   Economic   demands:   activate   the   industrial,   agricultural,   and
    investment sectors.
    3.   Political   demands:   ending   Iranian   influence,   getting   rid   of
    corruption,   amending   the   constitution,   ending   sectarian   quotas,
    separating   religion   from   politics,   abolishing   provincial   councils   and
    moving towards full independence.
    In   the   same   context,   the   demonstrators   expressed   their   desire   to
    nominate  an   independent   prime   minister  who   would  be  from   outside
    the  personalities  and  parties  participating   in   the   political  process   that
    was   established   in   2003   till   now,   and   this   is   because   of   lack   of
    confidence   in   them,   which   put   the   Iraqi   political   currents   in   an
    unenviable position.

    ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARAY 2020                                                       PAGE  14
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