Page 13 - Issue-15
P. 13
Dr. Shahinaz Gamal on the Employment Fair
Academic study is no longer sufficient
to compete in the job market
Cairo : Carolin sherief and Nermine Tawfik
Dr. Shahinaz Gamal, FEPS assistant professor of
cybernetics and head of FEPS IT unit, spoke to
ELITE about the Employment fair in its 11th
version which Gamal played a pivotal role in
organizing, pointing out that the fair's success is a
product of a group effort, not individuals, as
preparations for the fair were made long before the
start of the fair. Registration for the fair was
Dr. Shahinaz added that 600 students took part in t he fair,
electronic, and leadership development centers
which is a big number. Panel discussions on the job market
were contacted to help young people prepare their
were held on the sideline, moderated by managers fr om
resumes appropriately.
Faisal Islamic Bank and CIB Bank.
As for the participants, there were 25 entities
Shahinaz continued by saying that since the fair co ncluded
attending, in addition to other entities which took
its work, we contacted the participating entities t o know their
part in previous versions of the fair. University
feedback on the students' resumes, training and emp loyment
departments and students were contacted to know
opportunities which these entities promised. If new
what kind of entities that would like to see in the
information come in, we will publish them on the fa ir's
fair. Banks were the most prominent participants,
Facebook page. And we didn't only contact entities that
and there were entities that attended for the first
participated in the fair, but we also contacted oth er
time in this fair, like Al-Masry Al-Youm
employers that didn't have time to participate, suc h as the
newspaper, Misr Travel Company. Furthermore,
Ministry of Public Business Sector which wanted to recruit
we facilitated the procedures for those who wanted
some graduates. Dr. Shahinaz further stated that
to participate.
opportunities are not limited to training, but ther e are
employers that want to recruit graduates. Our gradu ates need
to know this piece of information, because we don't want
participation in the fair to be limited to students , we want
graduates to be included too.
Dr. Shahinaz concluded by advising students to deve lop their
skills so that they can join the job market, as aca demic study
alone is no longer enough for competition. Therefor e,
students must develop their language, technology an d
communications skills, because the current job mark et
requires students to further develop themselves, as supply
exceeds demand. Thus, the most qualified will have a better
chance getting a job.