Page 10 - Issue-15
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ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARAY 2020                                                            PAGE 10



           Cairo : Fareeda Khalifa, Habiba Atef, Farah Haitham, Hana Zakareyya and Yasmin Tarek

               Photo for Mr. Bruno Maes (right) Unicef Represntataive in Egypt and Professor Mahmoud El Said FEPS Dean
          Prof.  Dr.  Mahmoud  El  Said  started  the  opening  speech  of  FEPS-UNICEF  joint  The  first  session  was  titled  “Children’s  Well-being  and  Malnutrition  in
          conference.  Dr.  Mahmoud  declared  that  this  conference  is  a  significant  Egypt”  and  was  chaired  by  Professor  Dr.  Heba  Nassar,  former  vice
          outcome  of  a  comprehensive  partnership  between  FEPS  and  UNICEF.  The  president of community service at Cairo University. The talk started with
          partnership,  which  was  launched  in  November  2018,  aims  to  enhance  Dr. Heba expressing her gratitude to be part of such a great event like the
          coordination in the field of knowledge production, knowledge dissemination,  cooperation  of  FEPS  and  the  UNICEF,  moreover,  congratulating  the
          and capacity building in a number of areas of common interests such as social  participants on their respectful accomplishments. She then presented the
          protection,  inclusion,  health,  nutrition  and  child  protection  as  well  as  public  first  paper  by  Dr.  Racha  Ramadan  (associate  professor,  FEPS)  and  Ms.
          finance.  Then  he  added  that,  a  call  for  paper  was  declared  last  February  Sarah Wahby (senior research associate J-PAL) titled “Gender Norms and
          targeting  three  main  categories  of  researchers  (undergraduate  students  in  Children Malnutrition in Egypt and Jordan.”
          their 4th year, postgraduate candidates, researchers and professor affiliated  As gender norms play a crucial role in children’s nutrition status, especially
          to  FEPS)  to  participate  in  the  policy  making  process  and  the  evident  based  in patriarchal societies with culture of son preference as the Arab region,
          solution that can improve children and adolescent well-being. Finally, he said  therefore, the current paper investigates the relationship between gender
          that  a  scientific  committee  from  FEPS  and  UNICEF  reviewed  all  the  papers  and nutritional outcomes through different angles. The paper studies the
          carefully and chooses the best paper from each category.  impact of sex of the child, sex of the head, mother’s characteristics and
          Mr. Bruno Maes, UNICEF’s Representative in Egypt built upon Dr. Mahmoud’s  gender norms in the community where the child lives on three nutritional
          speech  and  continued  to  welcome  the  attendees.  He  inaugurated  the  outcomes;  stunted,  wasted  and  being  underweight,  using  Demographic
          conference and stressed that it is the result of more than a year of hard work  and Health surveys for Egypt (2014) and Jordan (2012). Consequently, the
          and partnership from both FEPS and UNICEF, along with the researchers once  paper conveys three main messages: The first one is that mothers play a
          the call for papers was opened. He said that UNICEF values its partnership with  significant role in their children nutritional status. Second, gender norms
          FEPS as it is critical to engage young people as agents of change, and would like  and  social  context  matters  in  Jordan.  Lastly,  being  stunted,  wasted,  or
          to achieve their full potential in alignment with the goals of 2030’s national  underweight  have  different  determinants  that  vary  from  country  to
          development strategy and UNPDF 2018-2022. He said that the challenges faced  another.  So,  policy  makers  have  to  tackle  each  Malnutrition  outcome
          by the Egyptian government are numerous, yet there are efforts and research  separately  to  decrease  their  prevalence,  taking  into  consideration  the
          done by the Egyptian academia to help plan ahead and disseminate knowledge,  social context for each country.
          which UNICEF aims to support. He emphasized the importance of partnerships  The  discussant  was  Dr.  Omneia  Helmy  (vice  dean  for  graduate  studies,
          between governments and intergovernmental organizations on one hand, and  FEPS). She first congratulated Dr. Racha and Ms. Sarah on their paper. Then
          long-standing academic institutions on the other hand, in order to reach more  she commented several comments concerning the paper as a general and
          child-sensitive policies and leave a legacy of advocacy for children’s rights. He  specific pages. The most highlighted comment was that she though that the
          renewed UNICEF’s commitment and support to the Egyptian government in its  surveys where at a long period ago and that the later period on these
          efforts for children and highlighted that no child is left behind.  surveys  witnessed  several  developments  and  changes  that  might  have
                                                               affected the results of the surveys.

       ELITE                                                             ISSUE 15, JANUARAY 2020                                                            PAGE 10
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