Page 7 - Issue-15
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ELITE                                                               ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                PAGE 7

   I  see  that  AlAzhar  ’s  role  should   remain  in  the  domain   of  revising   laws  Through   Al   Tadamun   Microfinance   Foundation,   we   fina  nce
   not   drafting   them,  as   we   need   Al   Azhar   to   remain  a   refe  rence   and   an
                                                               women  only,  not  out  of  bias  in  favor  of  women,  but   a  bias  in
   arbiter.   I   think   that   the   government   should   submit   a   draft     law   that
                                                               favor   of   the   poor   families   and   social   development.   This   is
   would  be   agreed  upon  by  the  Supreme   Council  for  Islami  c  Affairs   and
                                                               because   women   invest   the   proceeds   of   finance   on   the  ir
   Al-Azhar  in  a   manner   consistent   with   public  policy  rules   under  Sharia
                                                               micro-projects   that   benefit   the   children   and   the   fa  mily   as   a
   law.   The   government   would   have   to   take   up   such   a   mission   b  y
                                                               whole. We have a repayment rate of 100%, 70 branche  s from
   introducing   a   progressive   draft   law   asserting   the   rights     of   women
                                                               north  of  the  Delta  reaching  Assiut  in   the  South,   ou  r  portfolio
   consistent with the needs of the 21st century.
                                                               reached   around   500   million   EGP   financing   around   200

                                                               thousand   women   beneficiaries;   all   of   this   though   on  ly   one
   •   Mona   Zulficar   is   on   the   Forbes   list   of   top   100   mos  t   influential
                                                               organization. As for the federation, it includes mo  re than 900
   women   in   the   Arab   World  …   Could   you   tell   us   more   about   this
                                                               Non-governmental   Organizations   and   9   private   compan  ies
   I   think   that   career   distinction   and   voluntary   public   servic  e   activities
                                                               operating  in the field of microfinance.
   provide   the   basisfor   such   nomination.   I   played   the   key   role   in   the
                                                               I   also  take   pride   is   my   work   with   the  NCHR  on   draft  ing   the
   establishment   and   success   of   the   largest   law  firm   in   Egypt     in   the  90s,
                                                               law   on   equality   of   opportunities   and   the   eliminatio  n   of
   and  established  together  with  seven  of  the  best  experts   in  various  fields
                                                               discrimination. I hope that this projectcomes to li  ght as it will
   of law another law firm in 2009 which quickly became o  ne of the most
                                                               strengthen   the   concepts   of  citizenship   and   justice,     as  well   as
   important  firms  in  Egypt  and  the   Arab  region,  including   9   partners  and
                                                               supporting   efficiency   and   competence   as   basis   for   j  ob
   more   than  60  associates.I   have   also  been  a  non-executi  ve  Chairperson
                                                               appointments  and  promotion.   This  will  also  contribu  te   to   the
   of   EFG   Hermes   Holding   for   10   years   now,   which   is   the   largest
                                                               elimination of corruption.
   Egyptian   regional   investment   bank,   having   presence   in   m  ore   than   13

   countries   in   four   continents.   I   am   extremely   proud   that   the   executive
   management   of   the   group   is   led   by   the   best   Egyptian   ex  perts   and  •   At   the   end,   what   advice  would   you   give  to  the   stu  dents
   investment   bankers  who   are   capable   of  successfully   com  peting   in   the
                                                               of the Faculty of Economics and Political Science?
   emerging   and   frontier   markets.   I   add   to   that   as   well   my     voluntary

   activities in the domains of social development, human rights, w  omen  ’s
                                                               My   advice   is   to   make   full   use   of   their   college   year  s   and   to
   rights and combatting poverty through microfinance.
                                                               participate   in   various   cultural,   artistic   and   sport  s   activities
   Yet, what I consider to be the most important contribution   is my role in
                                                               because   they   help   in   the   development   of   their   skill  s   and
   the   development   of   younger   generations   of   talented   pro  fessional
                                                               characters.   When   you   search   for   jobs   later   on,   they     should
   lawyers  or   through   the  institutions  I  helped   in   establishing.   Moreover,
                                                               search   for  jobs  in  the   fields  you  enjoy  and  love  as    this  is  one
   throughout   the  past   25   years   I   focused  on  the  economi  c   empowerment
                                                               of   the  secrets   of  success.   I   also   advise   them  to  pa  rticipate  in
   of   the   poor    through  microfinance   of   their   projects  becau  se   that  is   the
   sustainable way out of poverty. I founded and chair   the board of a non-  voluntary work because giving without expecting any  thing in
   governmental   an   organization   called   “Al   Tadamun   Microfinance
                                                               return   is   one   of   the   most   important   sources   of   inne  r
   Foundation  ”.  In  2015  I  got  elected  in  such  capacity  as  the  Chairp  erson
                                                               psychological   health,   happiness   and   the   sense   of
   of   the   first   Egyptian   Microfinance   Federation   establish  ed   pursuant   to
                                                               achievement;   and   there   are   many   non-governmental
   Law  141  for  2014,and  through  the   significant  support  fr  om  the  Central
                                                               organizations  in  Egypt  that  need   the  contribution  o  f   younger
   bank   and   the   Egyptian   banks   as   well   as   the   Financial   Reg  ulatory
                                                               generations, that is your role.
   Authority,   we   succeeded   to   drive   a   huge   leap   in   the   micro     finance

   industry   in   the   past   3   years   increasing   the   number   of   be  neficiaries
   from2  million  at   end   2016   with   a  total  portfolio   of  EGP   6.4  Billion  to
   reach   3.4   million   beneficiaries   at   end   September   2019   wi  th   a   total
   portfolio in excess of EGP 23 Billion.
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