Page 4 - Issue-15
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ELITE                                                               ISSUE 15, JANUARY 2020                                                PAGE 4

          After the 2014 Constitution impressive efforts in empowering different groups,

          Women still need to be empowered in the judiciary

   scientific knowledge in diverse and significant fie  lds. One  languages   because   this   is   an   essential   requirement   for
   of the exceptional skills acquired is the Research   Seminar,  those  who   want  to  work   for   the  diplomatic  corps,  ma  jor
   which qualifies the students to research and write   academic  banks or international organizations.
   papers, join intellectual discussions and innovate.
   Therefore, if we add the different social, cultural   and sports  •   As   a   renowned   figure   in   the   fields   of   economics,
   activities to the academic content, we would find t  hat the
                                                               stock   exchange   and   microfinance;   what   is   your
   Faculty offers opportunities to build the students  ’ character
                                                               evaluation   of   the   current   economic   situation   in
   in a comprehensive way; I myself owe my success as   a
                                                               Egypt and what can be your future expectations?
   lawyer to the Faculty of Economics and Political Sc  ience.
                                                               As   a   specialized   corporate   lawyer,   I   always   deal   wi  th

                                                               governmental   institutions   and   consistently   recommen  d
   •   What   are   the   Faculty  ’s   most   demanded   majors
                                                               new   laws   or   regulations   to   the   government,   the  Cent  ral
                                                               Bank   or   the   Financial   Regulatory   Authority  to   enhan  ce
   These   are   the   majors   of   Economics   and   Political   Sci  ence,
                                                               investment   or   facilitate   transactions   with   the   outs  ide
   through   them   students   can   join   the   MOFA,   and
                                                               world.   I   specialize   in   banking,   project   finance,   an  d
   international   organizations,   as   well   as.   Economic   a  ctivity
                                                               mergers&     acquisitions,   particularly   transactions
   has   now  become  one  of  the  main  pillars  of  diplomacy  ,  and
                                                               between Egyptian and foreign banks. Accordingly, I   see
   promoting  Egyptian  economic  activities  has  become  o  ne  of
                                                               that   the   Egyptian   economy   is   recovering,as   a   result     of
   the  most  important  roles  of  the  diplomatic   corp.  In     addition
                                                               the   recent   economic   reform   program   which   addressed
   to   that,   it   opens   opportunities   to   join   banks   and   f  inancial
                                                               our   chronic   problems   through   difficult   overdue
   institutions,   the   corporate   world   and   non-governmen  tal
                                                               structural   adjustments.   There   are   now   more   job
   organizations.   As   for   myself,   I   take   part   in   intern  ational
                                                               opportunities   resulting   in   decreased   unemployment
   organizations   representing   Egypt   –   as   a   part   of   its   civil
                                                               rates,   an   increase   in   tourism   rates   and   I   expect   hi  gher
   society;  I  am  a  member  of  the  National  Council  for   Human
                                                               rates   of   growth   in   the   near   future,   as   well   as   the
   Rights,   which   is   and   entity   independent   from   the
                                                               infrastructural   leap   forward,   and   a   slowly   increasi  ng
   government.   I   also   participate   in   international   con  ferences
                                                               inflow of foreign direct investments (FDIs) to Egyp  t.We
   and   can   say   that   the   skills   I   learnt   at   our   Faculty     have
                                                               should   recall   that   FDI   increases,not   only   with   stab  ility
   helped   me  a   great  deal   to   do  a   good  job.  Our   gradua  tes  are
                                                               in   on   the   political   and   security   fronts,   as   well   as        the
   present   in   the   different   fields   such   as   the   media,   major
                                                               economic   reforms,   but   more   specifically   when   the
   banks   and  companies   and  the  MOFA.My  advice   to   anyon  e
                                                               private   sector   is   encouraged   and   becomes   more   activ  e.
   who wishes to work in those fields is to improve th  eir
                                                               FDI will flow into Egypt when foreign investors see   the
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