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اELITE                                                          Issue 15, january 2020                                                            page 16

    Advertising agencies and
    egyptian footbal market                                                              21

                                       Omar Khaled
                                 Fourth Year, Economics

   Advertising agencies have greatly affected Egyptian footb  all, and clubs are currently achieving high returns tha  t contribute to raising the level of
   the   game   and   competitions,   and  creating   another   case   of     competition  between   fans   off   the   field,   and  away   from  th  e   results  achieved   by   their
   teams,  as   they  boast   the   number  of   sponsors  that   their  c  lubs   haveBut   the   talk  here  will  touch  on  the  largest  sp  onsorships  for   the   Egyptian  ball
   during  the  last  two  decades:  Al-Ahram  and  Presentation  ,  th  AlAhram  and  its  control  until  the  revolution,  and  the    spread  of  many  problems  later,
   and   Presentation,  which  quickly  escalated   the   missile  wit  h   huge  capital   and   A  strange  force  that   made  it   the   sole    monopolist  of   sport   in  Egypt,
   whether in sponsoring clubs or even in satellite broadcasting, ther  e are many questions revolving around this company and its sour  ce of strength
   Initially   speaking   about   the   Al-Ahram   agency   that   sponsore  d   the   Egyptian   football   for   a   long   time   until   2011,   the   Al-Ahram   agency   was
   responsible   for   the  rights   to  sponsor  the  Football   and     Clubs  Association,   led  by  Al-Ahly,  Zamalek  and  Ismaili,   but   the  agency   was  subjected  to
   numerous accusations, including bias towards the Al-Ahly   Club, given that The head of the agency was "Hassan Ha  mdi", head of Al-Ahly Club,
   and the "Corruption of Alahram case.

   The accusations were public and express to the agency   by changing the path of many stars to Al-Ahly by way o  f promises that guarantee them a
   great  income   in  addition  to  the   millions  that  they  rece  ive  from  Al-Ahly.  The   traditional  club  Zamalek  in  welfar  e  rights  But  in  an  interview  with
   "Hisham   Zayed",   director   of   sports   marketing   for   Al-Ah  ram,   he   responded   to   these   allegations,   saying:I   constan  tly   read   that   the   agency   is
   helping the Al-Ahly club in its contracts with the playe  rs, and that the advertising contract is the one that is most   likely to be signed by Al-Ahly,
   and   to   confirm   that   the   agency   has   not   signed   an   adve  rtising   contract   with   a   player   throughout   its   history,   a  nd   we   have   not   brought   any
   advertisements to any player in Al-Ahly, contrary to wha  t is published. Whoever has a contract, let him show it,   and the contract between us and
   Al-Ahly   stipulates  that   we   use   6   players   annually   for  a  dvertising,   and   even   this  item   has   not   been   exploited   ..   T  he   real  problem   is   that   some
   people perceive that Al-Ahly and Al-Ahram Agency are one entity   because of Hassan Hamdi.

   With   the   start   of   the   return   of   auctions   to   the   sponsorship     of   the   Egyptian   Football   Association,   the   Presentation   C  ompany   started   to   appear
   through  its   offer  of  140  million   pounds,  which  is  much  g  reater  than  the  last   decade  between  the  Federation   and    the  agency   (40  million  pounds).
   From here, the "Company" began with a rocket speed th  at climbs into the sports market. Egyptian, the company h  as monopolies, and huge offers
   that amount to hundreds of millions to buy broadcasting   rights, the company offers Al-Ahly to pay its debts in   order for Al-Ahly satellite channel
   to continue broadcasting, and the company defeats the E  gyptian TV show to obtain the right to broadcast the E  gyptian League (2015-2016) ), As
   it   becomes   effective   in   the   results   of   the   Egyptian   leag  ue   After   I   offered   players   and   rewards,   upon   winning.   But   the   company   raised   many
   questions about it, with the huge capital that it moves in,   and its very organized steps to monopolize many aspects   of the Egyptian sports market,
   where   the   Egyptian   newspaper   “Al-Ahram   Sports  ”   published   in   July   2014   what   stipulated   that   there   are     many   stories   that   are   told   From   the
   mysterious  company   and   its  rocket   rise  in  the  sporting     atmosphere,   buying   TV   broadcasts   and  sponsorship  with  out   clear   bids   or  competitions
   from other companies in earnest, as all companies and ag  encies announce withdrawal before them, but that the la  rgest agencies in Egypt will not
   continue before them in any bidding, which made some c  onfirm that the company Backed by Pa Reaction of the c  haracters we do not know, and
   Egyptian officials have things sports facilitators.

   Most  of   the  tournaments   held  in  Egypt   since   2014,   accor  ding  to  Al-Ahram   Al-Riyadi,   testify   that  the  company  i  s   clearly  trying   to   control   the
   Football   Association,   by   obtaining   its   own   sponsorship   ri  ghts,   after   it   submitted   individually   a   financial   offer,   and   forced   all   companies   to
   withdraw,  even   those   that  Bidding  enters  to  legalize  t  hem  only,   and   Presentation  alone  is  the  player   in   the  Eg  yptian  sports   market  Despite   this
   clear   monopoly   from   the   Presentation   Company   of   the   Egy  ptian   ball,   it   has   played   a   distinguished   role   in   the   Egyp  tian   football,   whether   in
   developing the league competition or even hosting spor  ting events, the most recent of which is the African N  ations Cup for adults and youth, but
   that suspicious control raises questions about who supports this co  mpany And who provides funding for it

        ELITE                                                          Issue 15, january 2020                                                            page 16ا
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