Page 10 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

                                                           Finally,  as  for  businessmen,  they  have  a  culture  that  views
                                                           scientific  research  and  education  in  Egypt  as  unimportant
                                                           factors,  and,  thus,  this  is  reflected  in  their  failure  to  invest  in
                                                           these  aspects.  Here  comes  the  problem  of  the  education  and
                                                           scientific research sectors suffering from the lack of resources to
                                                           support  them,  which  leads  to  a  deterioration  in  their  level  and
                                                           thus a lack of interest from businessmen and so on. Therefore,
                                                           such  a  culture  must  be  changed,  and  the  importance  of  their
                                                           contribution  must  be  spread  in  the  two  sectors  because  it  will
         9-  Speaking  of  the  challenges  facing  the  development  of  benefit  them  through  the  graduation  of  competent  employees
         scientific research in Egypt, which are not necessarily caused by  and scientific research that can improve the level of industry and
         people but by the social and legal environment, you referred to productivity.  I  repeat,  it  is  not  an  easy  challenge  either.  All  of
         the issue of intellectual property and its problem, and also to the these  challenges  can  be  eliminated  over  time  thanks  to  the
         problem of the legal environment that manages the process of continued efforts of the university and the state.
         higher  education  and  scientific  research,  while  stressing  the
         importance of exploiting corporate social responsibility and the 10-In addition to being hosted by a high-caliber researcher and an
         roles  of  businessmen.  In  scientific  research,  what  is  your important cadre of higher education cadres, we are facing a world
         comment on these matters?                         interested  in  the  nation’s  issues.  In  your  opinion,  what  are  the
             First, regarding the legal aspect, there is the Universities current  challenges  facing  our  nation,  Egypt,  regionally  and
         Organization Law that has governed the work of universities internationally, and what capabilities should we rely on?
         since  1972  until  now,  which  established  the  full-year         The  biggest  current  challenge  for  the  state  is  the  economic
         educational  system.  Then  we  moved  to  the  two-semester situation.  Egypt  faces  extremely  difficult  circumstances  as  a
         system and finally to the credit hour system. We find that the result  of  external  shocks,  with  the  inefficiency  of  the  Egyptian
         aforementioned law does not take into account some matters economic structure for nearly half a century, which has led to our
         related  to  the  credit  hour  system  at  all,  such  as  the  idea  of being severely affected by these external shocks. Over time, the
         improvement that is not present in the law, along with some Egyptian economic structure has become a consumer economy,
         other  matters  that  hinder  the  implementation  of  the  credit not  a  producer,  that  depends  on  meeting  consumer  needs  and
         hour system as it should be, especially since the law deals with importing  from  abroad,  which  exposes  us  to  being  greatly
         the  financial  amounts  paid  to  professors  that  are  not affected  by  any  change  in  prices  abroad,  which  has  led  to  the
         compatible  with  the  current  times  compared  to  its  value  in difficulty of the crisis despite the beginning of financial economic
         1972.  Therefore,  work  must  be  done  towards  issuing  a  new reform through the International Monetary Fund loan in 2016,
         law  to  keep  pace  with  current  developments  and  not which  led  to  a  relative  improvement  in  the  distorted  support
         amending the 1972 law because the amendments do not solve system, where the support was not reaching those who deserve it,
         the problems from the roots. There is also a need for a law and thus the economic performance improved until 2019, but the
         that  deals  with  the  problems  that  resulted  from  the economic  structure  itself  was  suffering  from  its  consumption
         application  of  the  1972  law,  such  as  the  idea  of  a  faculty problem and therefore was affected by the repercussions of the
         member taking a leave to accompany a husband or wife and severe  Corona  crisis,  which  is  essentially  economic  in  nature,
         teaching abroad, and the university not benefiting from them which affected demand and supply, and with a surge in demand.
         in  any  way,  is  considered  one  of  the  most  important In 2021, the inability of supply to respond to such demand led to
         challenges  due  to  possible  conflicts  of  interest  that  produce significant  price  inflation.  The  Russian-Ukrainian  crisis  adds
         various conspiracy theories.                      insult to injury, affecting tourism, energy and food prices, which
            Secondly, with regard to the culture of intellectual property,  is considered a fatal blow to the Egyptian economic crisis. Now
         it  is  unfortunately  largely  absent  from  Egyptian  society  the crises in the region increase the seriousness of the situation,
         because we have grown up with ideas that permit the transfer  with  the  war  in  Gaza,  the  crisis  in  Sudan  and  Yemen...  etc.
         of ideas, whether from Google or others, and not to consider  Especially  with  the  Egyptian  economy  suffering  from  three
         it theft. Therefore, we must work to change it, and we find the  problems:  the  (lack  of)  availability  of  foreign  currency,
         state’s  issuance  of  a  document  for  preserving  intellectual  outstanding  debts  that  must  be  repaid,  and  finally,
         property  rights  and  a  strategy  for  publishing    are  of  the  unprecedented inflation.
         utmost  important  steps  that  must  be  supported  and        But there are many who have very good ideas to get out of
         implemented in schools and universities, and the importance
                                                           this  crisis  in  the  short  term  and  then  transform  the  Egyptian
         of  the  child  being  raised  to  respect  the  principles  of  economic structure into a productive structure in the long term
         intellectual property rights from a young age, because when a
                                                           by working on manufacturing, employment, and then exporting
         child  is  raised  to  easily  resort  to  parents  who  do  his
                                                           so  that  it  is  not  as  vulnerable  to  such  external  shocks  and  will
         homework,  this  leads  to  him  getting  used  to  such  actions.
                                                           lead to providing the necessary hard currency.
         Therefore, children must be encouraged and raised to respect
         intellectual property rights. It is not an easy challenge because
         it  has  been  rooted  in  society  as  something  normal  and  has

         turned into an acceptable habit, which is not normal at all.
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