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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

         6- I had the honor, as editor-in-chief of Elite Magazine and a
         faculty  member  at  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political
         Science, to attend two sessions of the Faculty Council under
         your leadership. I noticed the nature of your decision-making
         and  that  when  a  decision  is  made,  a  comparison  must  be
         expected, taken into consideration, and expected. So, how do
         you see the challenges of your position as Vice President of the
         University and the resistance you will face?
             First, in this university, which contains different scientific
         sectors:  such  as  the  social  sciences  and  humanities  sector,
         and the basic, medical, and engineering sciences sector, we
         may  reach  a  decision  that  pushes  the  scientific  research
                                                               7-  In the year 2020, you were ranked among the top 2% of
         process forward and is more appropriate for one sector than
                                                               scientists in the world in the Stanford ranking. In light of
         the  other.  For  example,  it  may  be  good  for  students
                                                               this, in your opinion, what makes a good researcher in the
         pursuing a Master's degree learn how to publish and begin
                                                               academic and research field?
         publishing their work so they don’t struggle if they choose to
                                                               I first point out the reason I entered this ranking and this list.
         pursue  a  PhD  later  on.  Despite  this,  we  find  strong
                                                               It was based on indicators related to the number of researches
         resistance from the social sciences and humanities sector. In
                                                               and the number of citations to these researches. At that time,
         addition to the fact that some of the specialties in this sector  I  was  the  publisher  of  more  than  forty  papers  in  journals
         do  not  publish  internationally,  especially  if  it  is  in  Arabic,  classified  as  Q1  and  Q2,  but  the  difference  was  that  I
         for example. One of the most important challenges I face is  published with my supervisor in the doctoral stage, Professor
         dealing with different sectors, with some being easy to deal  William  Woodall,  who  is  considered  one  of  the  greatest
         with and others difficult to deal with.               scholars  in  the  field  of  statistical  quality  control  and  was
         Secondly, there is another challenge, which is resistance to  editor-in-chief  of  an  important  journal  in  the  field  of
         change, fear and habituation. As we enter a different era, the  statistical quality control “Journal of Quality Technology.” I
         digital age and digital transformation in all fields, including  was  therefore  fortunate  to  meet  this  professor  and  scientist
         education,  we  find  those  who  resist  the  idea  of  e-learning  during  my  studies  at  Virginia  Tech,  and  for  him  to  be  my
                                                               supervisor, and the credit goes to him for that, especially with
         and  its  continuation  despite  it  being  the  basis  for  the
                                                               his  participation  in  more  than  75%  of  my  research,  him
         educational future. Here I point out that I do not support
                                                               teaching me about scientific research, and his contribution in
         the idea of canceling direct interactions between the subject
                                                               my  field  of  specialization.  I  would  add  that  he  has  great
         teacher  and  the  students,  but  I  support  integrating  it  and
                                                               connections with various researchers from different countries
         taking  advantage  of  the  possibilities  of  remote  education.
                                                               of  the  world,  which  made  it  easier  for  these  researchers  to
         The professor learns how to deal with his students remotely
                                                               participate  while  I  was  staying  in  Cairo,  and  such
         because if he does not adapt, he will risk disappearing and
                                                               participation  contributes  to  enriching  the  value  of  the
         falling  behind  in  his  level.  But  we  are  doing  our  best  to  scientific research presented.
         challenge  these  ideas  and  push  the  wheel  of  change  and  In  order  to  be  a  good  researcher  and  make  a  significant
         development forward.                                  research contribution, you must first choose your supervisor
                                                               carefully  and  with  great  awareness,  and  he  must  be
                                                               distinguished  in  his  field  and  have  important  scientific
                                                               publications.  Secondly,  you  must  learn  from  him  the
                                                               principles of scientific research, that is, how to implement and
                                                               master scientific research. Thirdly, it is important for you to
                                                               participate  in  various  research  communities,  for  example
                                                               “Research Gate”, and to engage in discussions with various
                                                               researchers  from  around  the  world,  which  contributes  to
                                                               enriching  your  information  and  creating  different  research
                                                               ideas. In addition, the importance of participating in various
                                                               scientific seminars and conferences. because it is an important
                                                               opportunity  to  learn  in  the  field  of  specialization.  Finally,
                                                               participate  in  various  international  conferences  if  the
                                                               opportunity  arises,  because  it  will  be  a  network  that
                                                               contributes  to  interacting  with  international  researchers  and
                                                               working  with  them.  I  remember,  for  example,  my
                                                               participation  in  a  conference  in  France  in  which  I  met  a
                                                               researcher  from  Greece,  and  through  our  research
                                                               discussions, we published three research papers together.
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