Page 5 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

         As for my influence on the department, it came in later after
         my return from the United States, where I obtained my PhD,  Add a little bit of body text
             Add a little bit of body text
         which was on a subject that did not exist in the department -
         “statistical control of production quality.” Being the only one
         to obtain a PhD in this field, I transferred it to the faculty’s
         Department of Statistics and thus a new field began to form,
         and many students joined it, such as: Dr. Nesma Saleh, Dr.
         Aya Anas and other distinguished students. During my later
         work as Dean and Vice Dean for Student Affairs, I was faced
         with work matters related to the Department of Statistics and
         the rest of the other departments, and I was determined not to
         discriminate  between  the  departments  despite  my  affiliation
         with  the  Department  of  Statistics.  This  was  reflected  in  my
         keenness in my work as Dean or Vice Dean of the Faculty not
         to  discriminate  and  to  deal  with  all  departments  neutrally.  As for incidents, there are many of them. One of the funniest
         This is also what I do as Vice President of Cairo University in  were when I was in my first year looking for the tutorial hall,
         not  being  biased  towards  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  and  we  were  divided  from  one  to  five  or  six.  I  asked  a
         Political Science at the expense of other faculties despite my  colleague of mine and a dear friend, the political analyst and
         loyalty to FEPS.                                       writer,  “Ahmed  Al-Menisy,”  about  Tutorial  5.  He
                                                                accompanied me to Hall 5, and I discovered while sitting in
         3-How  were  your  relationships  with  the  professors  and  what  are  this lecture that it was for fourth-year students of a political
         incidents you distinctly remember?                     science  course.  I  was  amazed  at  the  content,  of  course,  and
         It  is  interesting  that  my  greatest  influence  from  the  professors  after  about  half  an  hour.  The  professor  noticed  my
         was  a  professor  of  political  science,  Prof.  Dr.  Ahmed  Youssef,  amazement  at  the  content  of  the  course,  and  I  confessed  to
         despite being in the Statistics Department. In the first year, Dr.  him  that  I  was  a  first-year  student  and  was  looking  for
         Ahmed Youssef explained the principles of political science in a  Tutorial 5.
         way  that  I  have  never  witnessed  in  the  field  of  teaching  social  There  is  also  another  incident,  which  was  at  the  end  of  my
         sciences.  It  was  an  easy,  simple,  and  distinct  way  to  convey  first year in faculty, taking into account that FEPS was not
         information, and I still remember him explaining the difference  my first choice and that the subjects were of a nature closer to
         between the federal and confederal systems in the form of a table.  social  sciences  and  had  a  different  study  method  than
         I consider him a genius in teaching, aside from the fact that he is  mathematics,  so  I  felt  that  the  nature  of  the  courses  was
         a  great  scholar  whom  we  are  very  proud  of.  There  is  also  Dr.  different from my inclinations, and I intended to transfer from
         Hanaa Khairuddin, may God have mercy on her soul, one of the  FEPS the following year. Coincidentally, a colleague came to
         professors who influenced me a lot. She taught me econometrics.  the expatriate residence and was in Faculty of Dentistry. He
         She  was  a  professor  who  valued  discipline  and  did  not  asked me about my dissatisfaction with the faculty and told
         compromise  on  the  disciplinary  matters  like  the  students’  me in a moment of inspiration that he predicted that I would
         presence  before  the  professor,  and  her  timely  presence  in  the  have a great future in this faculty, and he advised me not to
         lecture  halls.  In  addition  to  this  is  her  abundant  knowledge,  transfer. His words encouraged me, and I continued to work
         which we benefited from, especially since the one who taught the  hard in faculty until I became who I am now. He was one of
         “section” with her was a great professor whom I consider to be  the  people  who  pushed  me  to  rethink  faculty  without  much
         one of those we lost in the Faculty of Economics and whom the  effort on his part. He spoke spontaneously, and his attitude
         American  University  gained  -  Dr.  Zainab  Hafez.  Dr.  Zainab  had a great impact on my life.
         Hafez,  wife  of  Professor  Sami  Al-Sayed,  former  head  of  the
         Department  of  Economics,  is  a  professor  of  statistics,  and  I
         learned a lot from her in econometrics.

         I  also  benefited  from  Dr.  Ali  Al-Din  Helal's  approach  and
         wisdom  in  managing  matters  calmly.  He  is  a  diplomatic  and
         political  figure  who  remains  calm  in  managing  any  problem,
         reaching  satisfactory  consensus  solutions  for  all,  and  his
         approach to administration intrigued me, and I resolved to apply
         it  in  my  own  style  of  administration.  In  addition  to  those
         previous  professors,  Dr.  Nadiya  Makari  greatly  contributed  to
         my development. Dr. Hussein Abdel Aziz, who taught us in the
         first year, made sure to engage us in lectures to follow the content
         closely so that we could answer his questions.

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