Page 6 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

        1-After  a  rich  six-year  journey  in  the  deanship  of  FEPS,  and
        among your many achievements, what ones do you consider to have
        the  greatest  effect  on  you,  and  what  are  the  ambitions  that  you
        wanted to achieve but did not have enough time for?

        More precisely, it is a journey of five and a half years. During
        this period, my principle for this faculty, which was managed by
        great academic figures with their own imprints and achievements,
        was  my  consideration  of  the  necessity  of  completing  their
        achievements  and  not  demolishing  what  they  had  done  and
        acting  like  I  built  everything  we  have  achieved  from  scratch,
        because  these  are  qualities  of  a  failed  administrator,  so  I
        completed building what was founded by Dr. Hala Al-Said. For
        example, Dr. Hala laid the foundation for the faculty’s journal in
        English,  and  then  completed  it  with  the  editorial  board  of  the  It is worth noting that it is an academic master’s degree and
        journal  led  by  Prof.  Dr.  Heba  Nassar  and  also  with  Dr.  Rami  not a professional one. It results in an academic thesis for
        Magdy,  whom  I  am  very  proud  of,  Dr.  Pakinam  Fikri,  Ms.  each  participant  and  an  academic  contribution.  There  are
        Mona Nasr, and the rest of the editorial board, until we reached  other interprofessional programs, such as the program with
        the  journal  as  being  the  first  social  sciences  journal  with  an  the Institute of Security and Intelligence Sciences affiliated
        international publisher in the Middle East region, then its entry  with the Military Intelligence Authority and also the Nasser
        into  the  Scopus  and  Clarivate  Analytics  rankings,  an  Military Academy (currently the Higher Military Academy),
        unprecedented achievement and what I consider to be one of the  and all of these programs reflect the position of the Faculty
        most important and best achievements during my deanship. That  of Economics and Political Science in serving society and in
        is,  the  faculty’s  scientific  journal  reaches  the  ranks  of  qualifying state institutions from a scientific standpoint.
        international journals found in the most important classifications
        mentioned  above,  especially  since  Cairo  University  rewards  There  was  another  program  that  I  wanted  to  offer  in
        researchers  who  publish  in  the  faculty’s  journal  with  cooperation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which was
        international publishing rewards, and this has a great impact on  an Academic Master in Diplomatic Studies, but it was not
        me.  In  addition  to  many  other  achievements,  for  example,  the  completed  due  to  many  different  procedures  and  delays.
        establishment  of  important  inter-professional  programs  such  as  Finally,  there  is  another  program  with  the  Military
        the  “Master’s  in  Political  Economy”  program,  from  which  we  Academy  that  will  be  useful  to  the  military  units,  and
        have graduated three batches so far, and which was very much in  therefore,  given  the  importance  of  the  political  and
        demand  because  we  were  working  on  isolated  peninsulas:  economic  dimensions  in  the  work  of  the  Egyptian  officer,
        economists working in isolation from political scientists and vice  such  a  program  is  supposed  to  lead  to  improving  the
        versa.  True,  but  the  field  of  political  economy  is  an  important  efficiency of his work because most military conflicts have
        field, yet we did not find people specialized in this field. There  an economic or political origin, and therefore this program
        was a political economy program at the American University in  with  the  Faculty  of  Economics  and  Political  Science,  it  is
        Cairo,  and  I  believed  that  our  faculty  was  deserving  of  such  a  supposed  to  contribute  to  preparing  officers  to  have  a
        program.                                               greater  understanding  of  those  dimensions.  It  is  worth
                                                               noting that the certificate granted by the program will be a
        As a result, we also set out to create interface programs with state  military certificate granted by the Minister of Defense and
        institutions,  and  it  represented  one  of  the  most  important  not  by  the  faculty  or  Cairo  University.  It  is  important  to
        achievements that others considered one of my most important  note that this is one of the faculty’s roles in its contribution
        ones because it contributed greatly to qualifying workers in these  to building society.
        institutions to be better at performing their work. For example,
        we established a program in governance and anti-corruption in
        cooperation  with  the  National  Academy  for  Governance  and
        Anti-Corruption.  This  program  met  with  great  success  and
        tremendous influence with state leaders in the public and private
        sectors  and  those  concerned  with  the  field  of  governance  and
        anti-corruption.  It  is  a  unique  program  and  does  not  exist  in
        other Egyptian universities, not even the American University or
        private universities. It qualifies these leaders in many important
        fields  because  it  is  an  interdisciplinary  program  between  three
        basic branches: economics, law and public administration, and it
        links  them  until  it  generates  a  research  or  scientific  product
        specific to the idea of governance and anti-corruption. This gives
        leaders  the  opportunity  to  acquire  knowledge  and  knowledge
        regarding governance and combating corruption in their field of
    6   work.
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