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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

                       A special interview with: Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al-Said
                               CU Vice President and former  FEPS Dean
                                                                          Name - Level - Major - Email
                     Dr. Ramy MAGDY - Ms. Caroline  Sherief- Rosanne El Fayed - Salma ELBukhary, Noor Khaled

             Add a little bit of body text
         We start the sixth year of our magazine with an interview of an  2-  Why  did  you  choose  the  Stati
                                                              Add a little bit of body textstics  Department  and
         exceptional person on both an academic and professional level  how does it help in shaping personalities?
         alongside  their  pivotal  role  in  the  journey  of  our  magazine.  My choice of the Department of Statistics was due to
         Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Al Said, Vice President of Cairo University  my scientific background before enrolling in university,
         for  postgraduate  affairs  and  scientific  research.  He  was  our  which  was  related  to  the  department  in  terms  of
         Faculty’s - Faculty of Economics and Political Science - Dean  mathematics,  etc.,  and  therefore  my  scientific
         for nearly six years and was the Vice Dean for Education and  inclinations  were  the  motivation  behind  my  choice  to
         Students’ Affairs before that. He was also the first chairman of  join this department. By studying precise numbers and
         our magazine’s board of directors. He was ranked in the top 2%  equations,  how  one  thinks,  changes  to  be  more
         of the World’s Best Scientists according to Stanford as he is a  disciplined,  and  as  a  result  you  become  disciplined  in
         distinguished  statistician  with  lead  research  in  the  field  of  work,  appointments,  and  others.  I  would  like  to  add
         quality control. He is an alumnus of FEPS and its loyal son and  that statistic serves the rest of the existing sciences, so
         has strong Egyptian roots and an Alexandrian identity.  they depend on statistics and statistical reports in one
                                                                 way  or  another,  and  even  within  the  research  work
         1-In the beginning? How did your relationship start with Faculty  itself, we find that it depends on data and access to the
         of Economics and Political Science and why did you choose it?  results of empirical analysis, for example. This gave me
         There  is  a  story  behind  choosing  FEPS;  when  I  was  in  my  the opportunity to learn about the rest of these sciences
         senior  year  of  secondary  school,  I  was  in  the  “Mathematics  and  their  principles,  especially  with  regard  to  the
         Section” and the direction of the students of that section was  Faculty of Economics and Political Science, that is, the
         always engineering and faculties that are mathematics related;  principles  of  economics,  political  science,  and  public
         my  first  choice  was  the  Faculty  of  Engineering  in  Alexandria  administration. Fortunately, I was in a department that
         University, but with a consultation from a dear friend of mine  was connected to the rest of the other departments.
         in the “Literary Section,” he convinced me to write FEPS as my
         second  choice  while  ranking  my  choices,  and  I  did  take  his
         advice.  I  did  not  get  accepted  in  the  Faculty  of  Engineering,
         missing it by half a mark. I was reluctant to join FEPS at first,
         but  I  got  attached  to  it  on  the  first  day.  It  has  some  kind  of
         magic  about  it,  anyone  who  passed  it  in  their  lifetime,  would
         feel belonging to this institution. After the first year, I felt that
         it was the right place for me, especially when I happened upon
         the Statistics Department, which includes my favorite subjects
         such as mathematics and others, which encouraged me to stay
         and join the department.

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