Page 7 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

         5-We certainly congratulate you on assuming the position of
         Vice  President  of  the  University  for  Graduate  Studies  and  Add a little bit of body text
             Add a little bit of body text
         Scientific Research. What steps do you aspire to achieve and
         the most important challenges that you intend to face?
              When talking about Cairo University, we point out that it
         is  the  largest  university  in  Egypt  and  the  Middle  East.  It
         includes  more  than  270,000  students,  15,000  faculty
         members  and  supporting  staff,  and  15,000  employees  and
         workers. What we call “Mega-University” and it has a great
         position in the Egypt and on a global level. the world. It is
         the  university  that  graduated  3  Nobel  Prize  winners:
         Mohamed ElBaradei, Yasser Arafat and Naguib Mahfouz.
         It is a university whose head was Ahmed Lotfy Al-Sayyed,
         and Taha Hussein was the dean of the Faculty of Arts. It has
         graduated distinguished figures for the Egypt and the Arab
         world,  and  therefore  I  seek  to  preserve  the  value  of  this
         university. This value is measured by the extent of scientific
         research  it  produces,  in  addition  to  the  level  of  education
         provided.  Personally,  I  am  interested  in  Cairo  University
         maintaining its scientific level in international rankings with  The  second  very  important  element  in  university
                                                                rankings is the innovation element. We began working
         regard  to  scientific  research,  specifically  because  Cairo
         University is first in most rankings in the field of scientific  on  the  innovation  unit  and  supporting  innovators  at
         research, but such ranking should not be guaranteed because  Cairo   University;   supporting   them   financially,
         we always need to develop, especially with many competing  technically  and  otherwise,  because  Cairo  University
         universities  approaching  over  the  course  of  the  past  few  throughout  its  history,  unfortunately,  has  only
         years  have  ranked  close  to  Cairo  University's  rankings.  registered 33 patents, which is not appropriate for such
         Therefore, I believe that if we do not develop, we will not be  an  ancient  university,  and  therefore  we  intend  in  the
         able to maintain these high positions of the university with  coming period that we will work to increase the patents
         regard to scientific research indicators. Naturally, I am very  issued  by  Cairo  University.  It  was  pointed  out  that
         interested  in  increasing  scientific  research  at  Cairo  everyone  who  belongs  to  Cairo  University  and  has  a
         University in quantity and quality, and as a result we began  patent is legally obligated to register Cairo University,
         establishing  a  unit  to  support  researchers  at  Cairo  but  this  does  not  happen  due  to  the  absence  of  this
         University:  the  “Scientific  and  Linguistic  Review  Unit,”  culture among people. Therefore, we are also interested
         which  is  a  unit  that  aims  to  review  research  and  written  in raising awareness in this regard, especially since the
         dissertations  linguistically  and  scientifically  through  Cairo  registrant’s right to the patent will not be diminished, as
         University’s specialized professors and their contractors; this  it is simply an acknowledgment of his affiliation to this
         aims to improve the quality of research and overthrow the  edifice  and  his  consumption  of  Cairo  University’s
         profit-making bodies outside Cairo University that work on  resources,  which  works  to  support  inventors  and
         these  matters  illegally,  which  has  a  very  negative  impact  innovators with everything required to obtain a patent
         because it leads to a decrease in the quality of the research  or  a  utility  model.  In  addition,  Egypt  allocates  large
         works  submitted  and  the  ease  of  submitting  these  works  sums  in  its  budget  for  research  services,  and  some
         through  these  offices  (specifically  in  Bain  al-Sarayat).  faculties  do  not  benefit  from  these  sums.  Therefore,  I
         Therefore,  we  are  trying  to  fight  these  for-profit  offices  began  working  with  these  faculties,  including  the
         through  the  work  of  the  university  and  its  improvement,  Faculty of Economics and Political Science, in order to
         which spoils the process of scientific research and education  use  these  sums  to  support  researchers  in  the  faculty
         at Cairo University, and this is one of the most important  through these allocations.
         axes that we are working on.                           Our  work  on  Cairo  University’s  scientific  journals,
                                                                which are 63 journals, of which only 6 are in the Scopus
                                                                and Clarivate rankings, about 10%. Therefore, we work
                                                                with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank to support scientific
                                                                journals at Cairo University, seeking to include them in
                                                                these rankings.

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