Page 12 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

                                           the marginalized of earth

                                                           mariam elsafty-senior-political science


           When  you  search  for  any  topic  in  political
                                                                 On  the  other  hand,  non-native  speakers  and
           research,  chances  are  you  will  find  articles    researchers  from  non-western  countries  may
           written  by  western  scholars  at  the  top  of  the  struggle  with  language  barriers,  such  as
           results. Whether it is about Africa, the Middle       proficiency, accent, writing style, and academic
           East, or any other region, western voices seem        norms  that  may  affect  their  credibility  and
           to  dominate  the  academic  discourse.  But  is      quality of work. Another factor that shapes the

           this  a  coincidence  or  a  consequence  of          academic  landscape  is  the  cultural  and
           colonialism?  And  how  does  this  affect  the       philosophical  influence  of  the  west.  Western
           local researchers who study their own societies       academic knowledge and values are often based
           and cultures? Academia is not a fair game, but        on  western  traditions  and  worldviews,  which
           a  system  that  reflects  and  reinforces  the       may not capture or appreciate the diversity and
           existing  power  structures  and  biases  in  the     complexity  of  other  cultures  and  ways  of
           world. Colonialism may have officially ended,         knowing. Western countries, especially those in
                                                                 Europe  and  North  America,  have  a  long
           but  its  effects  are  still  felt  in  the  academic
                                                                 history of colonialism, imperialism, and global
           sphere,  where  western  researchers  have  an
                                                                 dominance  that  allowed  them  to  build  and
           edge over their non-western counterparts. This
                                                                 expand  their  academic  institutions,  networks,
           is  not  to  say  that  western  scholars  are
                                                                 and  influence  around  the  world.  They  also
           intentionally  marginalizing  others,  but  rather
                                                                 gained  from  the  exploitation  of  resources,
           that  they  are  part  of  a  larger  picture  that
                                                                 labor,  and  knowledge  from  other  regions,
           favors  them.  One  of  the  main  factors  that
                                                                 especially  the  Global  South.  These  historical
           gives western researchers an advantage is the
                                                                 legacies continue to affect the current academic
           language of academia: English. English is the         situation,  where  western  countries  have  more
           dominant      medium      of    communication,        resources,  funding,  prestige,  and  power  than
           publication,  and  dissemination  of  academic        others.   Western    researchers   have   more

           knowledge, which means that native speakers           opportunities  and  access  to  publish  in  high-
           and  those  who  can  access  English  education      impact  journals,  attend  and  present  at
           and  resources  have  a  better  chance  of           international  conferences,  collaborate  with
           succeeding in the academic field.                     other  researchers,  and  secure  grants  and
      12                                                         fellowships.
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