Page 13 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

           Western  scholars  are  the  main  producers            For  example,  in  the  ongoing  conflict
           and  distributors  of  academic  knowledge,             between  Israel  and  Palestine,  most  the
           which  shapes  how  we  see  and  understand            western scholars, like Stephen Walt and
           the world. They are often the first and the
                                                                   John Mearsheimer, often portray Israel
           most  trusted  sources  of  information  and
                                                                   as a legitimate and democratic state that
           analysis  on  many  issues,  especially  those
                                                                   has  the  right  to  defend  itself,  while
           related to political conflicts and crises. But
                                                                   Palestinians are depicted as violent and
           are their views and visions reliable and fair?
                                                                   irrational  terrorists  who  threaten  the
           And  what  are  the  consequences  for  the
           people  who  are  directly  affected  by  these         stability and the security of the region.
           conflicts,   especially   the   non-western             This narrative ignores the historical and
           researchers  who  study  their  own  regions            political  context  of  the  conflict,  the

           and  cultures?  The  academic  field  is  not  a        human  rights  violations  and  the
           level playing field, but a system that reflects         oppression  that  Palestinians  face,  and
           and  reinforces  the  global  power  structures         the  resistance  and  resilience  that  they
           and  biases  that  come  from  colonialism.
                                                                   show.  It  also  marginalizes  the  voices
           Western researchers have an edge over their
                                                                   and  views  of  the  local  researchers  who
           non-western  counterparts  as  they  can
                                                                   have  a  deeper  and  more  nuanced
           influence  the  academic  debate  and  the
                                                                   understanding  of  the  situation  and  the
           public opinion in ways that may not match
                                                                   people  they  study.  This  is  not  an
           the reality or the diversity of the situations
           and the people they study. They may also                isolated case, but a pattern that can be
           push  their  own  agendas  and  prejudices,             observed  in  many  other  conflicts
           deliberately  or  not,  that  may  impact  the          around  the  world,  where  Western
           outcomes  and  the  solutions  of  these                academia  plays  a  role  in  shaping  the
           conflicts.                                              world’s  view  of  them.  This  raises  the

                                                                   question  of  how  free  and  informed  we
                                                                   are  when  we  rely  on  western  academic
                                                                   knowledge and values to make sense of

                                                                   the world. And how fair and respectful
                                                                   we  are  to  the  non-Western  researchers
                                                                   who  are  often  ignored  or  dismissed,
                                                                   despite  their  expertise  and  experience,
                                                                   because they do not have the credibility

                                                                   or  the  authority  that  the  Western
                                                                   researchers have. This is not to say that
                                                                   all  Western  scholars  are  biased  or

                                                                   malicious, but rather that we need to be
                                                                   aware  and  critical  of  the  colonial
                                                                   shadow of Western academia.

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