Page 18 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

                                  The Economics Smackdown: Round 1

                                                      Menna-t-Allah Hossam Enan - Level 4 - Economics

        The  Economics  Smackdown  is  a  fun  little Different  schools  of  thought  attribute  varied
        game  that  aims  to  introduce  FEPSians  to causes  to  the  progressively  increasing  problem
        some  of  the  most  hotly  debated  economic and  today,  with  the  help  of  Google’s  AI

        questions  and  expose  them  to  the  different    chatbot, Gemini, we offer insights from 4 major
        answers that various economic schools have          economic  schools:  Neoclassical  Economics,
        managed  to  come  up  with  throughout  the        Marxian  Economics/Marxism,  Environmental
        years.                                              Economics and Behavioral Economics.
                                                            However,  before  diving  in,  it  is  important  to
        This  way  you  (i.e.,  FEPSians)  can  get  to
                                                            note that often times scholars belonging to the
        think  about  the  different  perspectives  from
                                                            same school disagree on certain issues and thus
        which an economic problem may be tackled,
                                                            this is not saying that these views presented are
        choose the economic school you agree with
                                                            unanimously agreed upon. Also, it is important
        and  maybe  come  up  with  your  own
                                                            to  highlight  that  sometimes  schools  don’t
                                                            necessarily  offer  a  singular  perspective  on  the
        The realm of economics is rife with debate,
                                                            issues  covered,  but  they  might  connect  it  to
        as  different  perspectives,  ideologies,  and
                                                            other  issues  deemed  important  to  the  school
        methodologies       clash    in    attempts    to
        understand and influence complex systems.
                                                            An  example  of  this  would  be  that  while  the
        One  of  the  most  highly  debated  economic
                                                            environmental      economics      school    doesn't
        issues is the causes of income inequality.          necessarily  offer  a  singular  perspective  on  the

        If  we  were  to  define  income  inequality  as    causes  of  income  inequality,  some  economists
        “the  disproportionate  distribution  of  total     from  this  school  have  highlighted  how  certain
        national  income  among  households”,  we aspects  related  to  the  environment  can
        would find that it exists in both developing contribute to income inequality.
        and  developed  countries  alike.  So,  what Thus,  it  is  essential  that  we  keep  in  mind  that

        drives  the  continuously  growing  gap not everything is black and white and that there
        between  the  rich  and  the  poor  all  over  the is always room for debate.
        world?                                              Now that that is out of the way...
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