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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

        emissions  by  0.3%-1.8%,  according  to  a  study      Though such a scheme might encourage green
        published     in   the   Environmental      Impact      transition  in  the  US,  it  threatens  to  slow  and
        Assessment  Review  in  January  2023.  And  not        raise the costs for the net zero transition on a
        only do barriers to trade raise costs and increase      global level. Recent research by the European
                                                                Central  Bank  (ECB)  has  found  that  the  IRA
        emissions,  but  they  also  make  it  harder  to  cope
                                                                could slow the green transition at a global level
        with  climate  change  and  curbs  efforts  of
                                                                as foreign firms lose economies of scale as they
        adaptation.  According  to  a  report  published  by
                                                                lose  access  to  the  American  market  and  have
        the World Bank Group in 2021, stronger export
                                                                few  alternative  markets  to  sell  their  goods  at.
        restrictions  result  in  larger  economic  losses  in
                                                                Also, encouraging companies to purchase local
        cases of floods and extreme weather. Take a look
                                                                components to qualify for green subsidies will
        back at what would have been lost if we did not
                                                                lead  to  higher  project  costs.  This,  in  turn,
        have  free  trade  before  the  trade  war  and  you
                                                                contributes  to  an  increase  in  producer  price
        would get a grasp on what is at stake.  According
                                                                inflation and results in a decrease in the actual
        to research from MIT, approximately 40% of the
                                                                amount of infrastructure that can be developed
        reduction in solar power expenses can be ascribed
                                                                with  the  allocated  funding.  This  approach
        to  economies  of  scale,  and  economists  from  the
                                                                would decrease the "carbon value for money,"-
        World     Trade    Organization     (WTO)     have
                                                                that  is,  to  maximize  emissions  reduction  per
        concluded  that  these  scale  advantages  were         dollar  spent.  Another  crucial  factor  is  time.
        facilitated,  in  part,  by  global  trade  and         Building  new  factories  and  supply  chains  will
        interconnected supply chains. A research analysis       surely  take  a  lot  of  time,  which  the  planet  is
        suggests  that  had  restrictions  on  the  trade  of   already  running  short  of.  Innovation  is
        solar  photovoltaic  modules  been  tighter  in  the    important  as  well.  As  firms  get  protected  by
        past  decade,  prices  in  China  would  have           tariffs  and  requirements  of  origin,  along  with
        increased by 54% and in America by 107% by the          subsidies to support them, they have little need
        year  2020.  Additionally,  in  a  scenario  with  less  to  innovate  lower  costs  and  higher  quality
        globalized  supply  chains,  projections  indicate      technologies.  Smaller  players  are  getting

        that  prices  in  2030  could  be  20-30%  higher,      protective  as  well.  Interestingly,  out  of  the
        leading to reduced deployment of renewables due         thirteen  nations  participating  in  the  Electric
        to  the  elevated  costs.  Then  comes  subsidies  and  Vehicle  Initiative  (EVI),  only  Norway  and
        “friendshoring,”  which  means  reconstructing          Japan  impose  no  tariffs  on  EVs,  despite  the
        supply  chains  in  friendly  countries.  The  USA      initiative's  intended  goal  of  expediting  the
        Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), with subsidies of        global  introduction  and  acceptance  of  EVs.
        $400bn-$1trn  over  the  next  decade  to  support      Furthermore, India, among the EVI countries,
        renewable energy, was introduced as a scheme to         imposes  the  highest  tariff,  with  a  Most
                                                                Favored Nation (MFN) tariff reaching as high
        lower  US  dependence  on  China.  There  are  also
                                                                as  125  percent  for  EVs.  And  since  2020,
        requirements  of  origin  that  encourage  firms  to
                                                                Indonesia has banned the export of nickel, of
        buy domestic components to be eligible for green
                                                                which  it  produces  22%  of  global  supply,  to
        subsides.  For  example,  in  order  to  access  a
                                                                encourage  battery  manufacturing  at  home.
        subsidy of $7500 for an EV, one half of the credit
                                                                Politicians are trying to face a global issue by
        is  available  if  the  vehicle’s  battery  components
                                                                deglobalization    measures!    The     current
        are  manufactured  or  assembled  in  America;  the
                                                                approaches  of  the  USA  and  China  is  a  zero-
        other half is based on the origin of the battery’s
                                                                sum  approach  in  which  no  one  wins.  And
                                                                climate  change  is  a  global  issue  that  needs
                                                                global cooperation.
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