Page 14 - Issue 61
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Vol.1 Issue 61 November 2023                                                 ELITE

                               Green Protectionism Threatens Progress in

                                                        Climate Action

                                    Abdelrahman Sakr- Second Year- Economics- English Section

        Though  there  have  been  recent  milestones       First, there are barriers to trade. In 2018 Trump

        regarding climate action, like the foundation of    started a trade war on China, imposing tariffs on
        the loss and damage fund in COP 27 and COP          different  products.  These  tariffs  covered  88%  of
        28 pledge to a transition away from fossil fuels,
                                                            the renewable energy (RE) goods and 76% of the
        there is still a long way to go. As per the most
                                                            cleaner  road  transport  (CRT)  goods.  Most
        recent  "Global  Stocktake"  report  from  the
                                                            importantly,  tariffs  of  25%  and  30%  on  electric
        United  Nations,  there  is  a  continued  increase
                                                            vehicles (EVs) and solar panels respectively have
        in  worldwide  greenhouse  gas  emissions.
                                                            been  imposed.  In  response,  China  retaliated  by
        Moreover, the commitments made by nations
                                                            imposing tariffs that covers 86% of the RE goods
        to  reduce  these  emissions  collectively  are
                                                            and  78%  of  CRT  goods.  These  measures  would
        significantly  inadequate  to  meet  the  target  of
                                                            curb  climate  action  by  slowing  the  adoption  of
        limiting average global temperature rise to 2°C
                                                            green tech as customers find it more expensive to
        above  pre-industrial  levels,  as  outlined  in  the
                                                            deploy. There is also fear of escalation as there are
        2015  Paris  agreement.  Meeting  the  more
                                                            high  chances  that  Trump  returns  to  the  White
        ambitious goal of a 1.5°C increase seems even
                                                            House,     which    would     complicate     matters
        more challenging based on current pledges. To
                                                            furthermore.  In  case  of  escalation,  most  critical
        make it worse, countries are putting hurdles in
                                                            will be China’s decision whether to ban exports of
        each  other’s  ways-  our  way,  since  climate
                                                            rare minerals needed in green industries, which it
        change  is  a  global  challenge  and  its
                                                            produces  60%  of.  Last  July,  China  restricted
        consequences  are  shared,  albeit  if  unequally.
        Rising green protectionism across the world is      gallium  and  germanium  exports  intended  as  a
        threatening  the  already  slow  weak  march        response  to  the  U.S.  restricting  semiconductor
        against climate change. Tariffs, subsidies, and     manufacturing equipment and chip exports. While
        “friendshoring”     are   making     the   green    China’s  main  aim  was  to  punch  U.S.
        transition  needed  costlier  and  slower  by       semiconductor manufacturing, germanium is also
        causing  inefficiencies,  raising  costs,  and      important  for  low-carbon  technologies  like  solar
        decreasing innovation. They are mainly being        cells. Along with raising costs, the reconstruction
        pushed  because  of  rising  tensions  and          of supply chains caused by U.S.-China trade war
        competition between China and the USA.              will increase global
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