Page 37 - Issue 58
P. 37

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                   Analytical Review for The Saudi Crown Prince’s

                                                    Interview with Fox News.

                              Habeba Mahmoud, fourth year, political science

                     "We have lost so many opportunities            In our point of view, the interview carried

                     in the past, and we are not seeking to         more than one message through which bin
                     lose more," This’s how Saudi Crown             Salman  sought  to  re-promote  himself  and
                                                                    increase  the  promotion  of  his  kingdom  to
                     Prince,  Mohammed  bin  Salman  or
                                                                    the world in general and to decision-makers
                     MBS, opened his talk and answers in
                                                                    and the Western media in particular. At the
                     the  interview  conducted  by  Bret
                                                                    forefront  of  these  messages  is  the  Prince's
                     Baier,  chief  political  anchor,  on  Fox
                                                                    attempt  to  deny  and  rectify  his  image
                     News Channel. It is worth noting that
                                                                    portrayed  by  the  Western  media  and
                     less  than  half  a  century  ago,  the        international  human  rights  organizations

                     kingdom  of  Saudi  Arabia  witnessed          due  to  the  human  rights  violations  his
                     the  incident  of  the  Storming  of  the      record  and  the  tightening  of  the  noose  on
                     Grand  Mosque  in  Mecca,  led  by             political  and  human  rights  activists.    As

                     Jahman  Al-Otaibi  in  opposition  to          such,  Saudi  Arabia  has  been  subject  to
                     the reform efforts under King Khalid           repeated  and  massive  campaigns  led  by
                                                                    Amnesty  International,  Human  Rights
                     bin Abdul Aziz. Today, in 2023, the
                                                                    Watch  and  others  against  it,  to  the  extent
                     kingdom  is  undergoing  deeper  and
                                                                    that Mohammed bin Salman topped the list
                     more far-reaching reforms, especially
                                                                    of human rights violators around the world
                     on  the  social  level,  than  ever  before,
                                                                    in  the  International  Conference  on
                     led  by  the  "de  facto"  ruler  of  the
                                                                    Freedom  held  in  Oslo  2022.  Therefore,  it
                     country, Mohammed bin Salman. In               was  not  surprising  that  the  interview

                     a first - of - its-kind interview hosted       included  questions  about  the  heinous
                     on Saudi Arabia's Sandal Island, the           murder of Khashoggi and the execution of
      36             interviewer and interviewee discussed          a  citizen  because  of  a  "tweet"  he  posted,
                                                                    about which the crown prince felt sorry, but
                     the Saudi-US relations, Iran's nuclear
                     ambitions,  course  of  negotiations           the judicial system applies the laws, which
                                                                    he  believes  in  need  to  be  reformed  to  be
                     with  Israel,  and  dynamics  of  the
                                                                    more  realistic,  but  more  realistic  for  them
                     Saudi economy.
                                                                    "as Saudis, not for foreigners".
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