Page 35 - Issue 58
P. 35

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     I'm  not  one  to  sit  and  often Its  prosperity  in  some  civilizations
                     contemplate  on  an  issue  for  a  long meant peace, and in the case of wars,

                     time,  until  one  day  I  came  across its  growth  is  not  complete  but  it
                     this one store’s name that caught my remains  steadfast  and  clinging  to  its

                     attention.  As  I  entered  the  shop,  I roots; the land is its land and no one
                     was  amused  and  filled  with  many can deny its existence.
                     questions  about  its  origin  and

                     history. The first question that came Some are trying to ruin its image and
                     to  my  mind  was,  “why  the  olive justify  the  importance  of  eliminating

                     branch?”  to  which  I  got  an  answer it because of its damage, which is not
                     that  left  me  amazed…"This  is  a real, and to defend their environment
                     symbol, my dear, a symbol of peace that needs another tree. And to make

                     and love"                                     matters  even  worse,  here  comes  the
                                                                   help     of     those     with     powerful

                     “The  Olive  Branch  story  started  a authorities,             officials      and      the
                     very long time ago. You know that international  organizations  who  seek

                     the  olive  branch  was  a  special  icon to clean the environment, and do not
                     for  the  Greeks?  These  civilizations defend, in fact, the importance of this

                     did not use it like us, but they knew distinctive plant that has the right to
                     it  was  a  symbol  of  strength  that’s live and grow like the rest of the trees
                     why  they  made  it  the  logo  of  the on  the  planet.  Therefore,  neighbors

                     Olympic Games.”                               from  the  region  prefer  oil  more  than
                     I was inspired by the answer of the the  branch  itself  and  each  one  is

                     shopkeeper  that  made  me  eager  to looking  after  their  own  benefits  and
                     ask  more  questions  and  dive  deep self-interest,  so  no  one  minds

                     into  research  about  this  unique removing  the  tree  and  the  olive
                     name of the little shop.                      branch as long as it is not located in

                     The  olive  tree  is  a  plant  that  needs its own land. Except, they don't know
                     very  special  care  and  conditions  in what  would  happen  to  their  trees  if
                     order to grow healthy and bloom, be the roots of this perennial tree died.

                     able  to  bear  fruit,  and  remain
                     perennial that lives over  a thousand

                     years, which is more than those who
      34             keep trying to come on its land and
                     try to steal its branches.
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