Page 31 - Issue 58
P. 31
Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023 ELITE
Ethnic Cleansing 101
Salma El Bukhari-Junior-Political
I have spent the better part of my What happened next cannot be
week trying to find a way, a sentence, described as anything less other than a
to begin this article. I even tried to complete genocide. Immediately after
write a poem but could not finish. I the Hamas attack, the mindless
opened all sorts of social media to try propaganda started. The Zionist entity
and find inspiration to write such an brought out all its weapons; material
outstanding, mind-blowing report. I and non-material ones to “retaliate”.
could not. I only found videos of dying For example, there was a false
innocents. I still vividly remember the spreading of lies by the CNN about 40
first time in prep school, when we were beheaded Israeli babies, that was later
shown pictures of the Deir Yassin denied by the entity’s officials and
Massacre. I felt such a great deal of retracted by the CNN.
anger, helplessness and suffocating
injustice. I remember thinking: “What
kind of world would let them get away
with this?”. Right now, I’m piecing it
On the 7th of October 2023, Hamas
broke down the “Iron Wall” separating
The Gaza Strip and entered Kafr Aza, a
30 colonized settlement in Palestine. They
sent down a few bombs, killed some
militants -all “Israelis” are recruited by
the IDF- and took some, hostage.