Page 26 - Issue 58
P. 26

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     Popular reactions to the ethnic cleansing     However,  most  governments  of  Western
                     carried out by Israel in Gaza:                countries  still  support  what  Israel  is  doing  in
                     The  popular  reactions  to  the  ethnic      terms  of  destruction,  killing,  and  terrorism,
                     cleansing  carried  out  by  Israel  against  and  refuse  to  stop  firing  from  Israel's  side;

                     the  Palestinian  people  are  diverse  and   where  the  United  States  voted  veto  against  a
                     varied, reflecting the extent of solidarity,  draft  resolution  in  the  UN  Security  Council
                     anger,  condemnation,  and  resistance        condemning  the  war  between  Israel  and
                     from  the  Palestinians,  Arabs,  Muslims,    Hamas in October 2023, and the reason behind
                     and  free  peoples  of  the  world.           that  was  that  the  project  did  not  mention
                     Demonstrations  and  protests  in  various    Israel's right to defend itself, according to the
                     Palestinian, Arab, Islamic, and Western       US  ambassador  to  the  United  Nations,  who
                     villages and cities denounced the Israeli     said  she  was  disappointed  to  reject  this  text,
                     crimes  and  still  demand  an  end  to  the  describing  it  as  a  missed  opportunity  for  the
                     aggression and siege on Gaza, protection      Security  Council.  This  position  provoked
                     of  Al-Aqsa  Mosque,  and  the  right  of     criticism from some other countries that voted
                     return  for  refugees.  There  were  also     in  favor  of  the  project,  such  as  France  and
                     many  donations  and  humanitarian,           Brazil,  which  said  that  the  project  was  good
                     medical,  food,  and  other  assistance       and  balanced,  as  some  human  rights
                     provided  by  institutions,  bodies,  and     organizations considered that this vote showed
                     individuals  to  the  Palestinian  people  in  the  impudence  of  the  United  States  in
                     Gaza, the West Bank, and Jerusalem, to        preventing  the  Security  Council  from  moving
                     alleviate  their  suffering  from  the        on  Israel  and  Palestine.  The  Security  Council
                     bombing  and  siege.  In  addition  to        also  rejected  two  Russian  amendments  to  the

                     media,     awareness     and    solidarity    project, one of which called for an immediate
                     campaigns carried out by organizations,       and  permanent  ceasefire,  without  mentioning
                     associations,  and  activists  on  social     Hamas.  The  Russian  ambassador  said  that
                     media and media outlets, to highlight the     humanitarian  truces  would  not  contribute  to
                     facts of ethnic cleansing in Palestine, and   stopping  bloodshed,  only  a  ceasefire  could
                     expose the lies and deception promoted        achieve that.
                     by Israel.

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