Page 24 - Issue 58
P. 24

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     and  Israeli  Defense  Minister  Yoav           Reactions in Israel:
                     Galant  announced  the  start  of  a            Former  Prime  Minister  and  opposition
                     comprehensive       siege     on     Gaza,      leader  Yair  Lapid,  National  Unity  leader
                     including banning food and fuel entry.          Benny  Gantz,  Israel  Beiteinu  leader

                                                                     Avigdor  Lieberman,  and  Labor  Party
                                                                     leader  Merav  Michaeli  issued  a  joint
                     Reactions in Palestine:
                                                                     statement  expressing  full  support  for  the
                     The  President  of  the  Palestinian            Israeli   army      and    unity     with    the

                     Authority,  Mahmoud  Abbas,  stressed           government,  saying:  "At  times  like  these,
                     the need to provide protection for the          there  is  no  opposition  or  coalition  in
                     sons of the Palestinian people, and to          Israel."  Magen  David  Adom,  an  Israeli

                     enhance     their    steadfastness     and      medical  organization,  appealed  for  blood
                     stability,  affirming  their  right  as  a      donations.  It  also  carries  out  genocide  in
                     people  to  defend  themselves,  in  the        Gaza,      where      it   deliberately     and
                     face of the terrorism of the settlers and       continuously      kills   members      of    the
                     the occupation forces. The Permanent            Palestinian  group,  using  aerial,  land,  and

                     Representative  of  Palestine  to  the          naval bombardment, and directly targeting
                     Arab  League,  Muhannad  Al-Aklouk,             civilians,    children,     women,       elders,
                     submitted      a   memorandum          that     journalists, and paramedics, in addition to

                     includes  a  request  to  hold  an              causing serious physical or mental harm to
                     emergency  meeting  of  the  Council  of        members  of  the  Palestinian  group  using
                     the League of Arab States at the level          weapons prohibited internationally, such as
                     of  Arab  foreign  ministers  in  an            phosphorus  and  cluster  bombs,  and
                     extraordinary  session  as  soon  as            injuring  thousands  with  serious  wounds

                     possible,  to  discuss  ways  of  political     and     permanent      disabilities.   It   also
                     action  at  the  Arab  and  international       deliberately  subjects  the  Palestinian  group
                     levels to stop the Israeli aggression and       to  living  conditions  intended  to  destroy  it

                     hold  its  perpetrators  accountable  and       materially  in  whole  or  in  part,  by
                     provide  international  protection  for         continuing  to  impose  a  severe  siege  on
                     the  Palestinian  people  and  achieve          Gaza  for  16  years,  cutting  off  electricity,
                     peace     and     security    based     on      water,  food,  fuel,  and  medicine  from  its
                     international  law  and  resolutions  of        residents, and forcibly displacing members

                     international  legitimacy  and  the  Arab       of the Palestinian group from their homes
                     Peace    Initiative.   The     Palestinian      and  lands,  using  demolition,  bulldozing,
                     Minister of Health declared a "state of         land grabbing and house seizure.

                     emergency" in all Palestinian hospitals,
                     requested      that     the      ministry's
      23             warehouses  and  blood  banks  supply
                     hospitals  with  the  necessary  medical
                     supplies and medicines, and added that

                     all  hospitals  in  the  West  Bank  are
                     ready to receive the wounded from the
                     Gaza Strip.
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