Page 20 - Issue 58
P. 20

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                                                        Then,  A.H.  Dr.  Hisham  Al-Halabi  and
                                                                        Dr. Rami Magdy provide an opportunity
                                                                        for  student  lecturers  to  ask  questions.

                                                                        There  was  an  interaction  and  questions,
                                                                        the most important of which were:

                                                                        1.  “Ukraine  is  fighting  Russia  without  air
                                                                        cover” could this affect-it?
                                                                        Major  General  Staff  Pilot  answered  this
                                                                        question, saying that Ukraine is currently
                       At  the  end  of  Major  General  Dr.
                                                                        paying  the  price  by  attacking  it.  He
                       Hisham Al-Halabi’s speech, he gave us
                                                                        stressed  the  necessity  of  military  science
                       a fourth piece of advice, saying: “True
                                                                        and mastering the scientific method.
                       power  begins  with  knowledge.”  The

                       fighter  must  have  complete  real
                                                                        2.  Is  it  normal  for  there  to  be  hitting
                       knowledge  and  professionalism  in  the
                                                                        errors?,  as  today  some  members  of  the
                       practical method while not sanctifying
                                                                        Egyptian  border  surveillance  with  Gaza
                       the West, and belief that the fighter is
                                                                        suffered  minor  injuries  after  one  of  the
                       the equation for success.
                                                                        observation towers was accidentally hit by
                                                                        fragments of a shell from an Israeli tank.
                                                                        The  doctor  responded  to  this  question,
                                                                        saying that it is normal to have a mistake
                                                                        in striking during any war. This is because

                                                                        of  the  random  attack  carried  out  by
                                                                        Israel,  and  there  are  many  procedures,
                                                                        investigations  and  monitoring  into  the
                                                                        matter  as  well,  to  ensure  that  this  attack

                                                                        was indeed wrong.

                                                                        3.  Why  did  we  not  postpone  the  October
                                                                        War  to  fully  prepare  for  it?  Instead  of  it

                                                                        being  in  1973,  it  could  be  in  1975,  for
                                                                        Dr. Hisham responded to this question by
                                                                        saying that it is not in Egypt’s interest to

                                                                        wait, due to Egypt’s defeat in 1967, as well
                                                                        as the United States’ support for Israel. In
       19                                                               addition to the Egyptians' fear of forming

                                                                        and  building  settlements  in  Sinai,  which

                                                                        will  lead  to  many  problems.  It  is  in
                                                                        Egypt's interest to make the decision to go
                                                                        to war, as quickly as possible.
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