Page 18 - Issue 58
P. 18
Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023 ELITE
Dr. Hisham began by presenting many of He also pointed out the difficult
the grave challenges that faced the Egyptian circumstances that the Egyptian army
Air Force after the defeat in the 1967 war, witnessed. Including political, economic,
he explained to us the general appearance of and military circumstances. Political
the Air Force after 1967, and the extent of circumstances, as Egypt was defeated
anger over the occupation of Sinai land by before the world, the lack of military
the Israel. Therefore, talking about the support for Egypt. Economic
Egyptian planes that were struck by Israel, circumstances in terms of the high cost of
the planes which were destroyed on the aircraft and equipment, and military
ground and needed what is called a circumstances, because that there was a
demolition. Dr. Hisham Al-Halabi war of attrition between the two wars:
emphasized the weakness of aerial aircraft which are the war of 1967 and 1973. In
while they are on the ground, and that once addition to the enemy's strength and
they are in the sky, they are a powerful ability to reach depth.
Moreover, we find the third advice from
The Egyptians were in a state of challenges, Dr. Hisham Al-Halabi, which is not to be
such as the forces emerging defeated from discouraged by the challenges and difficult
the 1967 war, a shortage of air defenses to circumstances that derail us. He pointed
protect aircraft on the ground, destroyed air out that the Egyptian Air Force is not
bases and airports, and a severe shortage of broken (the un-breakability). The
pilots and crews. He explained the Air evidence of the un-breakability is their
Force’s insistence on rebuilding the Air training on first and second-generation
Force again, which resulted in many aircraft - despite the enemy’s use of third
challenges, including the attempt of the generation aircraft - and working to
Army and Air Forces to work in a scientific reduce the crisis in the number of aircraft,
manner, while under pressure in time. This the challenge of establishing new airports
means that the forces worked to compress at the bases and corridors.
time and work in short periods, which Dr.
17 Hisham indicated that a long period is not
beneficial. He has indicated and advised
several times about searching for the
scientific method to solve any problem
under time pressure.