Page 14 - Issue 58
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Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                    fight  in  1973,  it  would  have  degenerated  into  a  the following: “What was taken by force can only
                    situation  like  our  neighbor  Palestine  –  whose  be recovered by force”, “A hand builds and a hand
                    occupied  state  represents  the  largest  crisis  in  the  bears weapons”, “War for peace” and “Egypt first
                    Middle East - describing the occupation as rampant  and foremost”.
                    in Palestine like cancer is in a kidney, and stressing  Issuing  the  necessary  legislation  to  define  the
                    that war is the only solution to confront the Zionist  powers  of  the  President  of  the  Republic,  the
                    enemy.                                              Minister of Defense, and the Chief of Staff, and to

                                                                        establish  and  define  the  powers  of  the  National
                                                                        Defense Council and the Supreme Council of the
                                                                        Armed Forces.
                                                                        Preparing the political stage before the 1973 War
                                                                        after Israel and the United States had succeeded in
                                                                        restricting  Egypt  within  its  borders,  ensuring
                                                                        Israel’s military superiority, and curbing the Non-
                                                                        Aligned Movement.
                                                                        Rebuilding  and  organizing  the  armed  forces  and
                                                                        correcting the mistakes of 1967 at the tactical and
                     Al-Gamsi  then  gave  a  quick  run  through  of  the
                     historical events and wars that led up to the 1973  strategic  levels  through  the  formation  of  the
                     war,  starting  with  going  to  war  to  help  Palestine  second  and  third  field  armies,  and  the  formation
                     preserve  its  land  in  1948,  passing  through  the  of  the  leadership  of  the  Civil  Defense  Forces  to
                     tripartite aggression in 1956, Al-Naksa in 1967, and  assume  civil  protection  of  vital  targets  in  the
                     ending with the October War of 1973. The Major     governorates  in  cooperation  with  the  national
                     General’s  talk  generally  revolved  around  several  police forces.
                     main  axes,  which  are  strategic  planning,  the  Preparing  the  theater  of  operations  by  placing
                     problems  and  challenges  that  faced  the  leadership  many forces along the Suez Canal. In addition to
                     when  making  the  crossing  decision,  the  stages  establishing missile battalions (missile wall), and
                     leading  up  to  the  1973  war,  the  military  strategic  warning radars for the units and formations of the
                     goal of the war, and the strategic deception plan.  Air Defense Forces.
                     The Major General began his talk on the strategic
                     planning  axis  with  the  measures  taken  by  the
                     political leadership after the setback of 1967, when
                     the  people  rejected  the  resignation  of  the  late
                     President  Gamal  Abdel  Nasser  and  insisted  on
                     completing  the  war  and  restoring  the  occupied
                     territories.  The  leadership  at  that  time  decided  to
                     take the war of attrition as an approach and a way
                     to  rebuild  the  armed  forces  organizationally,
                     training-wise, and morally.
                     Strategic  planning  was  thus  composed  of  the  Exploiting  the  closure  of  the  Suez  Canal  to  put
                     following set of strategic objectives:            pressure on international powers to force Israel to
                         Working  to  unify  the  Arab  ranks  after  the  retreat in order to open it again for the passage of
                         differences  worsened  due  to  Egypt’s  support  international trade.
                         for  the  Yemeni  revolution  through  the  The  Major  General  then  moved  on  to  talk  about  the
                         Khartoum  Conference  that  took  place  on  problems  and  challenges  that  faced  the  Egyptian
       13                August  29,  1967,  in  which  three  things  were  leadership when preparing for the crossing, which
                         agreed  upon:  “No  peace  with  Israel”,  “No
                         recognition  of  Israel”  and  “No  negotiations
                         with Israel".                                 The  Suez  Canal  blockade,  which  the  enemy
                         Establishing a set of common principles to be  established  on  the  eastern  bank  of  the  canal  by
                         adopted by the entire Egyptian nation, stating   creating  sand  wall  lining  the  entire  canal
                                                                       supported by a concrete wall.
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