Page 10 - Issue 58
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Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     garb, he felt a serenity in his soul, a breeze in his  tighter and tighter until the young man found
                     chest, and a clarity in his mind…              himself  in  front  of  the  Multazim  door…he
                     The man looked at him smiling: Allah has lit up  made Dua’a to Allah to remain steady in His
                     your face…call on Him to light up your sight…  obedience,  then  received  the  Black  Stone  and
                     The  young  man  thanked  him,  and  said:  Up  kissed  it,  cried,  and  asked  Allah  to  win
                     until  this  moment…I  thought  I  was  in  a  Paradise,  holding  on  to  the  curtains  of  the
                     dream…only now am I sure it is real life…      Ka’aba,  loudly  sobbing,  and  crying  out  to
                     In  the  past…I  thought  Hajj  was  a  faraway  Allah to rescue him from the fire…
                     wish…only  now  have  I  realized  it’s  at  arms’  After  they  had  prayed  at  the  station  of
                     reach…                                         Ibrahim, and going in between As-Safa and Al-
                     I  used  to  think  I  was  drowning  in  the  seas  of  Marwah,  the  man  said:  Oh,  how  was  our
                     sin…only now have I learned there are shores of  mother  Hagar…all  alone  in  a  barren  desert
                     safety…                                        with  neither  plants  nor  water…with  a  young
                     The man took the young man’s arm, and they     baby crying in hunger…
                     went on…                                       She  walked  back  and  forth  along  the  earth…
                     They  entered  the  Haram  Mosque,  walking    looking left and right…climbing to the top of
                     among hundreds of thousands of people…         the  mountain,  and  then  descending  into  the
                     As soon as the young man laid eyes on the Holy  valley…
                     Ka’aba…his  tears  began  to  pour,  his  heart  Six  times  she  came  and  went  between  the
                     began  to  beat,  his  body  began  to  shiver,  he  mountains  of  As-Safa  and  Al-Marwah…and
                     looked at the man, and cried out in joy: it’s the  having  found  neither  water  to  quench  her
                     Ka’aba..                                       thirst, nor food to keep her life, nor people to
                     The man smiled: Call on Allah to increase the  accompany  her  loneliness…she  decided  to  go
                     greatness,  glory  and  fearsomeness  of  His  back to the mountain of As-Safa where she left
                     House…                                         her baby, to hold him in her arms and resign to
                     The     Hajj   rituals   began    with    the  her fate…
                     circumambulation around the Ka’aba…            The  man  added,  with  a  smiling  face  and
                     The  man  noticed  that  the  young  man  walked  shining  eyes,  pointing  to  the  well  of  Zamzam
                     with  a  lowered  head,  an  averted  gaze,  and  a  with  his  hand:  and  the  babe  hit  the  ground
                     hunched back…                                  with  his  little  feet,  and  a  fountain  of  water
                     He  rebuked  him  saying:  Raise  up  your  head,  exploded,  growing  plants,  attracting  people,
                     circle  around  with  your  gaze,  and  straighten  and inhabiting the land…it’s the great mercy of
                     your back…you are in between Allah’s hands…    Allah…
                     in  His  house…among  His  creation…cry  your  The  young  man  took  a  deep  breath,  looking
                     tears, request forgiveness, and listen to advice…  long  at  the  place  of  the  well,  lost  in  his
                     -My back is hunched carrying my sins…          thoughts, and said: Oh God, gather us up with
                     -If  they  are  like  mountains…they  shall  be  Your mercy, be good to us in Your generosity,
                     demolished…                                    and give us Your tenderness…
                     If they are like seas…they shall recede…       The  day  of  satiation  is  here…the  night  to  be
                     If they are like clouds…they shall clear…      spent in joy, preparing for the greatest ritual of
                     After  they  had  circled  twice,  the  young  man  Hajj…
                     began  to  please:  I  want  to  kiss  the  Black  The standing at Arafa…
                     Stone…                                         At  Arafa,  the  man  began  to  make  Dua’a,
                     -It’s very crowded…but let us try…             crying out, begging for mercy…the young man
        9            At their seventh turn, the circle began to get  repeating it all behind him…
                                                                    As soon as the sun began to set, he told him:
                                                                    Look at these masses…they left their
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