Page 7 - Issue 58
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Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                                                       background  in  climate  change,  specifically
                                                                       through schools, universities and institutes,
                                                                       so that subjects are taught with an eye on
                                                                       climate    change     and     environmental
                                                                       conservation to save the planet we live on,
                                                                       to  avoid  pollution.  This  is  shown  by
                                                                       television  advertisements  that  show,  for
                                                                       example, marine animals eating waste made
                                                                       of  plastic,  and  how  this  damages  the
                     As  we  have  been  engaged  in  export           environment cycle. Therefore, if this culture
                     operations  for  decades,  we  hope  that  we     is  widespread  among  children  or  young
                     can  comply  with  higher  standards  so  that    people  in  Egypt,  they  will  see  how  much
                     we can enter foreign markets.                     damage may be done to the environment or
                     7.  I  am  certainly  aware  of  your  extensive  to    creatures     that    complete     the

                     national  role,  but  could  you  elaborate  on   environmental  cycle  once  plastic  bags  are
                     your  company's  contribution  to  any  social    thrown  in  the  sea.  I  hope  that  future
                     projects in Egypt?                                generations will study this issue thoroughly
                     We  are  not  currently  planning  to  set  up  a  so that they can safeguard the environment
                     social  project  at  the  individual  level  or  at  more effectively than our generation.
                     the  organizational  level  because  such  a      10. Finally, what are the challenges that can
                     project needs a sizeable investor to be able      the  efforts  of  Egyptians  abroad  to,  first,
                     to  provide  and  fund  such  endeavors.          support  sustainable  development  priorities
                     However, whenever there is an opportunity         and, second, to combat climate change?
                     to  participate  in  social  services,  whether    The proportion of Egyptians living abroad
                     directly for the company's employees or the       is  high,  approximately  12  to  14  million
                     factory      or      through       charitable     people,  a  large  proportion  that  is  able  to
                     organizations, we try and seek it for it is for   serve  Egypt  very  well.  Yet,  there  are
                     our country; we try our best to serve it.         challenges  due  to  international  and

                     8. Is there an example of any Egyptian NGO        economic  conditions,  and  the  conditions
                     that  you  have  had  the  opportunity  to  deal  that   countries    generally   have    been
                     with?                                             experiencing  since  2019.  Starting  from  the
                     There's  a  lot  that  we  deal  with,  whether   Coronavirus  pandemic,  wars  and  up  to
                     monthly  or  weekly,  with  a  high  degree  of   petroleum  problems  and  their  prices
                     interaction.                                      affecting  all  sectors  of  the  economy  in  all
                     9.  One  of  the  problems  that  Egyptians       countries  of  the  world.  Therefore,  the
                     abroad  always  talk  about  is  the  inadequate  challenges are multiple, but there is a great
                     utilization of Egyptian skills as well as their   effort being made.
                     sensitivity to climate change, so what is your
                     assessment to take advantage of these skills
        6            and  knowledge?  How  can  we  use  this
                     knowledge in local communities?
                     The  pyramid  starts  from  the  base  and
                     builds  up  to  its  top  where  the  best
                     performance is achieved to save the climate.
                     Thus, we need to create generations with a
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