Page 5 - Issue 58
P. 5
Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023 ELITE
For the investment sectors, work will be
mainly focused on what we call capable of accommodating all Egyptians abroad.
"development and investment"; most
investors have agreed that there are
ongoing investment projects being
established by the state in Egypt in various
logistical fields, industry as one of them.
However, there are hotels that do not work
as efficiently, for example, and there are
other non-productive projects which
prevents them from competing at the global
quality level. That is why we aim to enter
projects that realize development side by
side with investment. Thus, such an
initiative will encourage Egyptian investors
from abroad as well as attract more of them
faster. These investments will include 4. One of the state's top priorities is
tourism, business, real estate development, sustainable development and combating
food, and communications technology. climate change. How do you see Egyptian
This project is still an idea as a feasibility influencers abroad being aware of this issue?
study has not been carried out yet, but Egyptians abroad, especially businessmen,
there is a practical study that will done engineers, doctors or communications
shortly after the inauguration of the experts, interact with their fields in
company. Currently at the most important countries outside Egypt. As for Western
point, the focus regarding the company is nations, they routinely put climate change
with its initial capital formation. and related matters into our daily lives, so
Afterwards, we begin to touch on more much so that people on the streets are
details. talking about electric cars, greener energy
3. Does this mean there are no specific supplies, and all over more efficient futures.
projects already planned? So, this is what we live here for, and it takes
There are investors doing work on some a significant portion of the budgets of the
projects. I have an existing project as well countries we live in. Hence, I believe that,
as my company in England to invest through the experts and practitioners in this
between the two countries; and from other field, this [the prioritization of sustainable
countries around the world, there are and clean development] will inevitably pass
many investors working on giant projects onto Egypt. In my field of agricultural
whether they are social, logistical, or commodity supply, we are attempting to
belonging to the giant food industries. establish the highest degree of sustainability
Moreover, they have an expansionist vision paired with efficiency for the entire process
that will be executed through the company of operation, manufacturing and
and not privately on their own. Therefore, implementation, so that all stages are
4 projects exist and what we are looking for, updated with regards to the preservation of
for [the sake of] development, is to carry on
with the same projects that we have worked the environment. All fields and activities we
witness in the Western or Gulf countries or
on and to seek their development. What is in developed areas of Asia, will make this
new is that it will no longer be in separate direction [towards sustainability] a
directions, but rather through a company