Page 6 - Issue 58
P. 6
Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023 ELITE
fundamental aspect of the lives of all It also makes the products’ probability of
human beings. This has been and continues approval in global markets higher. What is
to be conveyed through the United more is that it preserves both the lives and
Nations Climate Change conference (COP), health of the professionals, making their
one of the world's most important productivity higher in terms of quality. In
conferences, which includes each year this framework, the finest electronic
kings, heads of state, and ministries as well modern equipment and technology are used
as many people attending to preserve for production.
humanity and all the nations of the world.
5. Your company plays an important role in
commodity, grains and food security issues.
How does your business engage in the fight
for sustainability and against climate
This topic has a particular approach that
must conform to international standards,
such as following-up to the laws of the 6. What are the main target groups of your
Food Safety Authority (FSA) which projects? Who do you think needs support
follows and conforms to the high and consideration?
certificates of food safety. Each industry or The system is complete. If we are talking
facility working in the fields of about the basis of the projects, it is
pharmaceutics follows certain standards. customer satisfaction. The standards all
We have invested in production lines, from start from the interior to the exterior. First,
product receipt to packaging, so that the the environment in the factory itself or in
production process supports the the processing plant itself is clean according
preservation of the environment from to global standards. Typically, many
waste, dust or impurities. We care to ensure processes are carried out with
that the working environment is clean in environmental measurements to assure that
order to we maintain the health and safety the environment itself in which we operate
of workers and technicians. Thus, there has such as the manufacturing and storage
been upgrade in production lines, beginning wards, etc., has accurate measurements and
from when the product is directly sourced is far from any contaminants. These
from farms until it is automatically processes are carried out until the final
packaged in an environment clear of production stage where heat and water
contamination from old manufacturing measurements as well as analyses of our
methods and processes. These means are own products are carried out, either in
costly, but they support the principle of Egypt or abroad. These analyses are by
sustainability, which makes them better. which we measure the suitability of our
products to the required standards. What is
done internally depends on the
5 compatibility with international standards
and international certificates, which keeps
production and workers part of the larger
community. Thus, when we start exporting
the product it is in line with the European,
American, or any other standard.