Page 4 - Issue 58
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Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                          Meeting Expatriate Egyptian Businessman ‘Mr. Karim

                                   Asaad,’ Chairman of ‘Brooks and Kempton’

                               Interview conducted by: Dr. Ramy Magdy     -          Edited by: Mirna Ossama

                      1. How do Egyptians expatriates play a role     the inauguration of the company, alongside
                      in supporting Egyptian state policies?          other  senior  state  leaders,  including  the
                      Above  all,  Egyptians  abroad  make  an        President [Al-Sisi]. This company is still in
                      effort  to  communicate  with  the  state,      its  infancy,  with  its  initial  vision  and
                      whether  directly  with  leaders  in  Egypt  or  fundamental  legal  coordination  forming
                      [indirectly]   through    leaders   in   the    during  the  Conference  of  Egyptian

                      community  or  official  bodies  such  as  the  Communities  that  was  sponsored  by  the
                      embassy  or  consulate.  Egyptians  are  the    Ministry of Migration. We and some of the
                      first to support their country and maintain     founders were present at this conference, in
                      its image both at the level of England and      addition  to  some  official  sponsors  so  that
                      globally.  Egyptians  speak  about  their       we could get to know each other.
                      country  with  love,  whether  in  terms  of    The  idea  began  during  the  "Egypt  Can"
                      economy,  tourism  or  politics,  and  we       Conference  in  2019,  where  a  number  of
                      support our country and its leaders because     experts     and     investors     considered
                      that is how we can protect it. Additionally,    establishing  a  company,    but  then  the
                      those  working  abroad  help  the  economy      [pandemic]  closure  came  in  the  United
                      through  two  way.  Some  make  currency        States,  Europe  and  England  and  lasted
                      transfers  to  Egypt,  others  invest  in  areas  until 2021. Upon our return to Egypt, the
                      such  as  international  trade,  agricultural   idea  began  to  centered  our  conversation
                      commodity  supply  (import  or  export)  and    once  again  until  we  were  finally  able  in
                      in  any  products  that  are  needed  in  all   2023,  at  a  meeting  with  the  Ministry  of
                      activities and fields.                          Migration and Her Excellency Ambassador
                      2.  There  has  been  recent  talk  about  the  Suha  El-Gendi,    to  present  the  idea.  We
                      Egyptian  Overseas  Investment  Company;        met  with  the  Prime  Minister  [Mostafa
                                                                      Madbouly]  and  the  Chairman  of  the
        3             what are the company's most important roles     Investment     and     Financial    Control
                      and objectives?
                      The  important  role  lies  in  that  of  the   Authority  of  the  New  Administrative
                      Egyptian  Ministry  of  Migration  and  the     Capital, all who encouraged us to proceed.
                      General Authority for Investment and Free       This embedded within us the feeling that all
                      Zones  (GAFI),  with  sponsorship  from  the    state bodies are supportive.
                      Prime Minister, who promotes the idea of
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