Page 11 - Issue 58
P. 11

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

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                      hometowns, absent from their businesses, and   large stones…
                      away  from  their  children…and  came  here    The man laughed, and asked: What is that?
                      disheveled and dusting, crying out for Allah’s  -I want to take out my anger on him, to release
                      mercy…would He send them away wanting?         my frustration of him, and make him taste my
                      The young man shook his head.                  might…
                      The  man  continued:  They  came  hoping  for  The man said with a smile on his face: Throw
                      forgiveness, shall Allah keep it from them?    those away, and gather up seven the size of a
                      The  young  man  shook  his  finger  to  the   hazelnut,  do  not  submit  to  your  anger,  bow
                      negative.                                      down  to  your  frustration,  or  count  on  your
                      The  man  added:  They  pray  for  rescue  from  might…
                      hell, shall Allah not save them?               How  then  shall  I  resist  his  whispers,  beat  his
                      The  young  man  cried  out:  No…He  is  the   nudges, and get away from his pursuits…
                      Honorable One.                                 -You must fight him with his own weapons…
                      The  man  looked  at  him  long  and  hard,  and  resist  him  with  his  own  cunning…avoid  him
                      said: Rejoice, my son…Allah willing, He has    with his own resourcefulness…deceive him…
                      forgiven your sin, you are as you were when    He gaped: could one deceive the devil?
                      your mother had you…all blackness has been     -By frequently mentioning Allah, remembering
                      erased  from  your  slate,  it’s  pearly  white  to  request  forgiveness,  and  being  quick  to  do
                      now…                                           good…
                      The  young  man  jumped  in  joy,  hugging  the  After they had thrown the stones  on the first
                      man, and whispered in his ears: As you have    day  of  Tashriq,  and  completed  the  Ifadah
                      taken me a companion in the world…I call to    Tawaf, the man addressed the younger man: Be
                      Allah to unite us again in the life to come…   sure  to  always  sanctify  your  tongue  with  the
                      In the Muzdalifah, the young man fell asleep   mention  of  Allah,  remind  your  mind  of  His
                      until the night was at its end, and when the   anger,  and  reassure  your  heart  of  His
                      man  woke  him,  the  young  man  looked       forgiveness.
                      around him, and said: Such a quiet place…I     At the end of the days of Tashriq, during the
                      haven’t  slept  as  deeply  as  I  have  tonight…  farewell  circumambulation,  the  young  man
                      haven’t  felt  such  reassurance  except  here…  made intense Dua’a for Allah to give him more
                      nor such safety except right now…              visits  to  His  house  for  years  and  years  to
                      The  man  said:  These  could  be  the  signs  of  come…
                      mercy, forgiveness, and safety from hell...    On  their  way  back,  the  young  man’s  phone
       10             He  added:  Come  on,  let’s  gather  up  the  rang, and he looked at the older man, anxious,
                                                                     and did not answer…
                      stones  with  which  we  will  stone  the  devil
                      tomorrow, Allah willing…                       It rang again, and the elder man looked at him
                      The young man went, and gathered seven         strangely for not answering…
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