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Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                       Leaking  information  to  an  intelligence  source  Dr. Ibrahim, a teacher in the College’s Department of
                       considered  reliable  by  the  Israelis  that  the  Political  Science,  then  began  his  speech  by  thanking
                       attack would take place in May, which did not  the Major General Ali his rich and insightful speech
                       happen.                                      that  introduced  us  to  the  value  of  the  1973  War  for
                       In  October  1973,  it  was  announced  that  both  the  Egyptian  Armed  Forces  and  the  entire
                       applications for Umrah trips would be opened  Egyptian population. He then started by emphasizing
                       for  officers  of  the  armed  forces  and  soldiers,  that  the  1973  war  was  a  major  deception  of  the
                       which contradicts the idea of preparing for war.  occupying  state  under  the  direct  supervision  of
                       Spreading  rumors  that  Egypt  did  not  obtain  President Al-Sadat, and that this plan was based on a
                       aircraft  that  could  threaten  the  Israeli  depth,  group of factors, namely:
                       which was not true, as Egypt sent an Egyptian
                       aviation  squadron  to  Syria  to  be  close  to  the  Egypt deceived the enemy that it had accepted the
                       Israeli depth.                                   state of neither peace nor war and that it did not
                       Israeli  Defense  Minister  Moshe  Dayan  was    intend to fight by demobilizing 30,000 conscripts
                       assigned  to  visit  the  canal  at  11  a.m.  on  between 1967 and 1972.
                       Saturday,  October  6,  1973,  only  to  find  the  Misleading  the  enemy  into  thinking  that  Egypt’s
                       Egyptians relaxing.                              plan is based on defense, not attack.
                                                                        Announcing  general  mobilization  in  March  and
                                                                        July and not accompanying this with any attacks,
                                                                        which  led  the  enemy  to  believe  that  the
                                                                        preparation  that  occurred  in  October  would  be
                                                                        similar  and  that  Egypt  was  carrying  out  these
                                                                        actions to calm its people internally and nothing
                                                                        Choosing a strange but smart time (two o’clock in
                   The Major General concluded his speech by saying     the afternoon) to represent the zero hour, as it is
                   that  Israel  is  not  only  a  terrorist  state  and  a  common knowledge that battles take place either
                   treacherous  enemy  that  does  not  respect  its    early in the morning or in the dark of night.
                   promises and covenants, but that they are also the  At  the  end  of  the  symposium,  questions  from  the
                   subject to the wrath of God, and that had Egypt not  audience  were  received,  and  a  discussion  took  place
                   launched  the  1973  war,  it  would  not  have  pushed  about  General  Andre  Beaufort,  the  French  strategic
                   Israel to accept peace.                          expert,  praising  the  strategy  of  the  Egyptian  armed
                   He  then  stressed  that  Egypt  will  inevitably  fight  forces  during  the  war  and  its  destruction  of  the
                   Israel again, if not today, then in the future, which  security theory that Israel was proud of, and about the
                   is  what  anyone  can  verify  by  reading  the  Holy  Defersoir  loophole  and  the  role  of  the  valiant  civil
                   Qur’an. In this regard, the Major General reiterated  resistance  in  Suez,  which  refused  to  allow  the
                   the words delivered by President El Sisi in a speech  occupation  forces  to  seize  the  city.  Then  the  Major
                   on October 11, 2018 during the 45th anniversary of
                   the 1973 War, he declared: “If the Egyptian army  General  stressed  once  again  that  if  we  had  not  been
                   was able to do it (achieve victory and defeat Israel)  able to regain our land in 1973, we would have been
                   once, it will be able to do it every time.”      like  Gaza  today.  Then  he  explained  that  the  enemy
                                                                    cannot  fight  alone,  but  rather  always  needs  external
                                                                    support, and that they have no honor. For if they had
                                                                    killed their prophets in the past, what is stopping them
       15                                                           from breaking their treaties and promises.
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