Page 12 - Issue 58
P. 12

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                      At the third ring…there was no choice but to
                      His  friend’s  voice  came  asking  why  he  had
                      disappeared, telling him he was preparing an
                      evening to gather with many other friends…
                      He  interrupted  him,  gathering  his  strength:
                      I’m not coming anymore…
                      The man smiled victoriously: May Allah keep
                      you steady on the path of righteousness…
                      When the car came near the place where they
                      had met several days before…the young man
                      said: I want to take your phone number and
                      remain in contact with you…
                      -Certainly,  he  took  a  card  out  of  his  pocket
                      and said: we will meet often as well…
                      -The  young  man  took  the  card  in  his  hand
                      smiling…and when his eyes caught the man’s

                      full name his face fell, his brow frowned and
                      his eyes squinted…
                      The man wondered: do you know me…
                      The young man answered with difficulty: I’d
                      heard about you…
                      -And what did you hear about me?
                      -The  young  man  lowered  his  head,  and
                      remained silent…
                      -Let me tell you…
                      -The  young  man  raised  his  head  in  sadness,
                      and gazes at him with frustration…
                      -I  was  an  emperor  of  depravity…yes,  I  have
                      walked the path of wickedness…but I caught
                      myself before falling into the pit…
                      He added: I fought with the devil…sometimes

                      I beat him, sometimes him me…until I hit the
                      final blow, and Allah was gracious enough to
                      guide me to righteousness…

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