Page 15 - Issue 58
P. 15

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                      The  sand  wall  varied  in  height  from  20–25 issue  once  more.  Therefore,  after  the  crossing,  Egypt,
                      meters  with  inclination  of  45–65  degrees. supported by its Arab allies, was able to put pressure to
                      Behind  it,  Israel  established  a  defensive  line hold  negotiations  to  regain  Sinai  completely,  which
                      called  the  “Bar  Lev  Line,”  consisting  of  31 Egypt actually succeeded in doing.
                      fortified  defensive  points  extending  from  Port
                      Fouad in the north to Sina south, making it one
                      of the largest and most difficult defensive lines
                      in the world.
                      The enemy’s local reserves, consisting of tank
                      battalions  and  mechanized  infantry,  are
                      stationed  on  all  axes  of  approach  to  enemy
                      fortified points.
                      The  method  of  securing  the  troops  and
                      equipment needed for crossing the canal from  He then went on to explain that Egypt would not have
                      superior  enemy  artillery  fire  and  aviation,  been able to achieve the victories it achieved except by
                      which  were  overcome  by  establishing  passive  relying  on  a  plan  of  strategic  deception,  which  was
                      local  defense  pits  and  constructing  a  missile  developed  to  outperform  the  technological  and
                      wall.                                         armament progress of the Israeli enemy by concealing
                    The Major General then went on to talk about the any signs of preparation for war, which was achieved
                    stages  of  preparation  for  the  1973  war  and via the following actions:
                    showed  a  video  of  the  late  Field  Marshal    Carrying out many military movements under the
                    “Mohamed      Abdel-Ghani    Al-Gamsi,”   who      guise  of  training,  with  a  constant  change  in  the
                    previously  served  as  the  Minister  of  War  and  size of the forces.
                    Commander-in-Chief  of  the  Armed  Forces,  and   In July 1972, a decision was issued to demobilize
                    before  that  he  served  as  Chief  of  Staff  of  the  30,000 conscripts since 1967, most of whom were
                    Egyptian  Armed  Forces  in  1973  to  replace     outside  actual  combat  formations  and  in  rear
                    Lieutenant General Saad El-Din El-Shazly after his  positions.
                    dismissal,  and  before  that  the  position  of  head  of  Moving crossing equipment from the back to the
                    the  Armed  Forces  Operations  Authority,  who    front under the cover of night.
                    divided  the  stages  leading  to  the  1973  war  into  Establishing maintenance workshops on the front
                    three  stages:  the  defense  stage,  the  active  defense  and pushing tanks there under the pretext of being
                    stage, and the war of attrition stage.             broken down, which they were not.
                    Then  he  moved  on  to  talk  about  the  military  Importing  equipment  necessary  for  the  crossing
                    strategic goal of the war and explained that it was  and rubber boats for the purpose of establishing a
                    not  to  completely  recover  Sinai  because  that  was  project on the Nile River, and deliberately placing
                    not in Egypt’s military capacity, especially with the  the vessels and boats in the port for a long period
                    United  States  of  America’s  support  for  Israel,  but  of time to suggest neglect and lack of readiness to
                    the  goals  of  the  war  were  to  cause  the  greatest  carry out any missions.
                    amount of losses for the enemy as well as to cross  Camouflaging  the  attack  by  raising  the  army’s
                    the Suez Canal to seize the eastern bank and secure  maximum level of readiness and declaring a state
                    it  at  a  sufficient  enough  depth  to  enable  passage  of  alert  at  airports  and  air  bases  multiple  times,
                    through the Suez Canal, opening it to international  which  forced  Israel  to  announce  an  emergency
                    navigation. More importantly, the war aimed to end  military  reserve  call  up  in  anticipation  of  any
                    the state of neither war nor peace and to revive the   attack,  and  then  announces  that  it  was  just  a
       14                                                              routine  training  exercise  until  October  the  6th

                                                                       came,  and  Israeli  intelligence  thought  that  the
                                                                       initial  Egyptian  troop  movements  were  another
                                                                       iteration  of  the  exercises  the  Egyptians  had
                                                                       previously undertaken.
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