Page 28 - Issue 58
P. 28

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     Escalation  of  the  war,  and  reactions  from   A lively struggle existed between two forces
                     many parties:                                     of unequal strength. Israel will adhere to its
                     In  response  to  what  happened,  Israeli        position in dealing a major blow to Hamas
                     Prime  Minister  Benjamin  Netanyahu              in  Gaza,  and  thus  American  support  for
                     confirmed that they were in a state of war,       Netanyahu will increase significantly. On
                     warning  that  Hamas  would  pay  an              the other hand, Iran did not allow its allies
                     unprecedented price. Israel does not intend       to  be  eliminated  so  easily.  Netanyahu  did
                     to conduct any negotiations and must enter        not stop bombing Gaza and killing children
                     Gaza.                                             and civilians who were helpless.
                     Then,  Netanyahu's  forces  engaged  in

                     ground combat in several locations around         Statistics of the dead in Gaza so far:
                     Gaza against fighters who infiltrated using
                     gliders  by  sea  and  land.  Food,  water,  and  The death toll in the Gaza Strip has risen to
                     electricity were cut off from the Gaza Strip.     more than 7 thousand people died so far, in
                                                                       addition  to  more  than  12,000  wounded  so
                     In  addition,  the  war  will  begin  on  the     far,  and  hundreds  have  been  killed  in  the
                     Lebanese  border,  where  Hezbollah  claims       Al-Ahli  Arab  Hospital  accident  in  Gaza.
                     that it bombed two Israeli barracks, as the       Moreover,  about  10  media  professionals
                     Lebanese  Shiite  movement,  supported  by        have  been  killed  so  far.  A  million
                     Iran, announced that it bombed two Israeli        Palestinian  citizens  have  so  far  lost  their
                     barracks  “in  response”  to  the  killing  of    homes  due  to  explosions  and  missiles
                     three  of  its  members  by  Israeli  bombing.    coming from Israel.
                     Hezbollah  said  they  used  'guided  missiles
                     and  mortar  shells'  and  hit  the  target       Benjamin  Netanyahu  stressed  that  Israel

                     directly.  Israel  bombed  southern  Lebanon      will not prevent the entry of humanitarian
                     after  announcing  that  it  had  killed  several  aid  into  Gaza  from  Egypt  through  the
                     suspected  militants  who  had  infiltrated  its  Rafah  crossing,  and  the  Israeli  forces
                     territory.  Hence,  fear  and  terror  spread     carried out 'Israeli bombing' to prevent the
                     about  the  occurrence  of  conflict  and  wars   reopening  of  the  vital  crossing  to  supply
                     in Lebanon, and the possibility of violence       Palestine with supplies and aid. “Egypt has
                     spreading to the Israeli-Lebanese front.          not  closed  the  Rafah  crossing  since  the
                                                                       outbreak of the crisis, but Israeli bombing
                     The United States’ support for Israel is one      from the Palestinian side prevented it from
                     of  the  most  important  factors  in  the        opening.”  This  is  what  President  Abdel
                     strength  of  the  Zionist  movement,  and        Fattah  El-Sisi  indicated  in  the  context  of
                     Iran’s  support  for  the  resistance  on  the    aid and supplies to the Palestinian people.
                     other hand, which leads to an escalation of
                     the problem.

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