Page 32 - Issue 58
P. 32

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                       The  Zionist  Entity  then  started  to        into  “Ranin,  are  you  still  alive?”.  The

                     actually bomb the Gaza Strip mercilessly.        mosque  near  the  school  that  Ranin  is
                     Till exactly this moment on the 24th of          staying  at,  was  blasted  and  hundreds  of
                     October,  the  city  is  still  being  bombed    people  were  killed  while  she  was  awake
                     and  the  people  are  getting  massacred.       and  listening  to  the  sounds  of  her  fellow

                     Schools,  hospitals,  mosques  and  even         citizens  taking  their  last  breaths.  Ranin’s
                     churches  were  flattened  to  the  ground.      childhood  best  friend  was  massacred  in
                     Al-  Ahli  Hospital,  a  Christian  run          cold  blood,  and  she  was  not  able  to  be
                     hospital, was shelled and thousands were         there with her, because she was trying to

                     killed  inside  which  The  entity  took         stay alive.
                     credit  for  initially  then  erased  the          Absolute  horror  spreads  throughout  the
                     statement  and  blamed  the  Palestinians        social  media  platforms  in  forms  of
                     instead, which of course is a blatant lie.       laughable propaganda by the entity. Ethnic

                     The oldest church in Gaza was bombed             cleansing  is  not  just  the  act  of  murder
                     on the 20th of October, it had been an           itself,  wiping  out  families,  dynasties  and
                     important historical building as well as a       ripping  away  children  from  their  parents
                     place for the displaced to stay. The IDF         and friends from each other, but it is also

                     issued evacuation orders from the north          the  ability  of  the  ethnic  cleanser  to
                     of  Gaza  but  bombed  the  evacuation           completely dehumanize an entire ethnicity,
                     routes  and  a  convoy  of  trucks               so that no one cares. That is exactly what
                     transporting the Palestinian citizens.           the  Zionist  Entity  is  trying  to  achieve.

                                                                      After the incidents of the 7th of October,
                     My  friend  Ranin  Al  Qudwa  of  four           the  entity  capitalized  on  the  murder  if
                     years, had both her houses bombed and            their  “civilians”  by  making  a  promotion
                     is currently living in a school basement. I      deal  with  a  mental  health  platform  called

                     try to talk to her every day, just to make       “BetterHelp”  calling  out  for  free  therapy
                     sure  she  is  okay,  but  what  she  reports    sessions  with  a  promotion  code  by  their
                     back  to  me  is  horrifying.  I  asked  her     “government”.    Their  TikTok  account  is
       31            yesterday if she was okay, but she asked         full of clickbait propaganda videos that are,

                                                                      unlike pro-Palestinian
                     me to rephrase the question
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