Page 33 - Issue 58
P. 33

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                       videos,  not  shadow  banned  by  the
                     algorithm      showing     their    soldiers

                     laughing, eating and drinking, while the
                     IDF  has  completely  cut  off  water,

                     electricity and food off in Gaza. There
                     is  evidence  that  they  called  up

                     influencers and offered to pay them for
                     further     propaganda       videos.    This
                     supposed “state” has social media, that’s

                     how  ridiculous  this  entity  is,  giving
                     grounds for genocide via TikTok.

                     The  media  is  a  battlefield  on  its  own;
                     and  this  time,  the  Zionist  Entity  is

                     losing and they know it. When Hamas
                     released  two  of  the  hostages,  a  video
                     was  released  that  showed  one  of  the

                     hostages  shaking  a  Hamas  fighter’s
                     hand  and  saying  “Shalom”  to  him,  she

                     then  went  on  to  say,  in  a  press
                     conference,  that  they  treated  them           conflict.  This  is  not  a  Muslim-Jewish

                     extremely  well;  getting  them  medicine,       situation.  If  it  was,  the  churches  would
                     doctors  and  ate  the  same  food  Hamas        not  be  bombed  and  the  Christian
                     ate themselves. On one hand, after the           Palestinians would not be displaced side

                     embarrassing attempt by the UN to call           by  side  with  the  Muslims.  Israel  is
                     for a ceasefire and was brutally vetoed          nothing  but  a  colonial  settlement,  an

                     by  the  U.S.,  some  celebrities  wrote  a      occupation that is not retaliating but is
                     letter to Joe Biden calling for a ceasefire      actively carrying out a genocide with the

                     and they all signed it. Not to lie, it gave      whole world watching. For a successful
                     me  hope.  But  unfortunately,  an  even         ethnic  cleansing,  brainwashing  is  not

                     bigger  group  of  celebrities  wrote            enough,  you  have  to  inspire  people  to
                     another  letter  calling  for  “no  hostages     actively  resist  the  truth  and  choose  to
                     left  behind”  while  thanking  Joe  Biden       remain  ignorant  and  uneducated.  You

                     for  “standing  with  Jewish  people”  and       need  to  force  them  into  picking  your
                     how  they  support  his  decisions               side by staying neutral. Thank you, this

                     regarding the situation in Gaza.  In the         was ethnic cleansing 101, we hope you
      32             end, an important disclaimer has to be           have  found  our  course  instructive  for

                     made. This is textbook ethnic cleansing.         your next mass murder and please, pray
                     This is not a religious                          for Ranin Al Qudwa.
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