Page 38 - Issue 58
P. 38

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                      In  this  context,  he  added  that  Saudi        This  may  be  one  of  the  cards  that
                      Arabia  was  "conservative"  but  reforms         Saudi Arabia is playing as a key card

                      are  coming.  Considering  what  Saudi            during its normalization negotiations
                      Arabia  has  witnessed  since  2015  until        with  Israel,  which  are  exclusively
                      today,  we  find  remarkable  radical             auspicated by the United States. For
                      developments  on  the  social  level,  from       bin  Salman's  relationship  with  the

                      expanding  the  scope  of  entertainment          current  US  President,  Joe  Biden,  it
                      such as concerts and others, empowering           was  initially  tinged  with  a  kind  of
                      women  by  dropping  the  guardianship            tension,  which  the  US  president
                      over them to travel, giving them greater          expressed       before      where      he

                      rights regarding family affairs, allowing         announced  that  he  would  deal
                      them  to  drive,  releasing  a  number  of        directly  with  King  Salman  and  not
                      human  rights  activists  such  as  Loujain       with the crown prince, in addition to
                      al-Hathloul,  and  welcoming  visitors            the  public  reprimands  by  them  to

                      from LGBTQ+ communities.                          each other. Yet the common interests
                                                                        imposed  by  the  developments  in  the

                                                                        international  situation  led  to  a  kind
                                                                        of rapprochement in the end. As bin
                                                                        Salman mentioned, the only constant
                                                                        thing  in  politics  is  change,  and

                                                                        therefore  it  was  wise  for  the
                                                                        American  side  to  deal  with  Saudi
                                                                        Arabia  because  of  its  growing
                                                                        economic,  military  and  political

                                                                        influence     globally     and     as    a
                                                                        cornerstone  in  the  Middle  East.

                      The second message that was reflected in          Currently,  Saudi  Arabia  and  the
                      several  times  through  the  interview,  is      United  States  share  a  number  of
                      the  Prince's  affirmation  that  he  is  a       common  interests  in  investment,
                      friend  and  ready  to  shake  hands  with        construction,  space  and  technology,
                      everyone in order to achieve stability in         and most importantly, the American

                      the  region  in  support  of  his  domestic       mediation  in  Yemen  and  in  the
                      reform  plan.  As  for  relations  with  the      Saudi-Israeli  negotiations,  which,  if
                      United  States,  the  crown  prince               completed,  would  be  a  major

                      explained  that  Saudi  Arabia  and  the          diplomatic  triumph  for  the  Biden
                      United States are close friends and have          administration  in  the  upcoming
                                                                        election campaign. In this context, he
      37              mutual  interests,  for  example,  Saudi          also  explained  that  there  is  no  need
                      Arabia  is  the  largest  importer  of
                      weapons  from  the  United  States  and  is       to worry about the Kingdom joining

                      therefore  essential  in  the  American           the BRICS, as it is not a bloc against
                      economy.                                          the  United  States  or  the  West,  but
                                                                        aims to achieve economic gains.
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