Page 41 - Issue 58
P. 41

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                        As final message that can be drawn           overcome  the  latter  are  increasing  in

                        from  this  interview,  we  can  say         light  of  the  isolation  experienced  by
                        that  Mohammed  bin  Salman  is              Iran,  which  is  offset  by  a  noticeable
                        confident  about  his  abilities  and        openness  from  the  Saudi  side  to  all
                        the  capabilities  of  his  country,         parties. In the words of His Highness,

                        which he has expressed more than             "everyone in this world has directly or
                        once  during  the  interview.  He            indirectly something to do with Saudi
                        believes  that  Saudi  Arabia  is  the       Arabia".  Finally,  the  figure  of  bin
                        greatest  success  story  of  the            Salman     is   one     of    the   most

                        Twenty-First  Century.  It  can  also        controversial and important figures in
                        be  seen  through  his  answers  and         the Twenty-First Century, and this is
                        the  strong  presence  of  Saudi             not my talk, but this is how Bret Baier
                        Arabia  in  all  the  crises  that  erupt    introduced  him.  He  is  a  smart,

                        in the Middle East that it promotes          ambitious  and  visionary  leader,  who
                        itself  as  the  patron  of  the  region     you can consider as such, or you can
                        and  that  those  who  want  to  deal        consider  him  "dangerous",  as  The
                        with  the  Middle  East  had  to  deal       Economist  described,  but  in  the  end

                        with it first. It stands head-to-head        the world will have to or will have the
                        (tit  for  tat)  with  Iran  in  terms  of   pleasure  to  deal  with  him  for  many
                        the regional hegemony and even its           years to come.
                        chances to

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