Page 44 - Issue 58
P. 44
Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023 ELITE
Though universal values have indeed overcome by any nation. Countries fail to
been used by the west to intervene in achieve the transition to democracy
some countries, this does not mean that because the small proportion of the people
they should be shunned. Take that benefit from authoritarian regimes
Afghanistan for example, its people are manage to subordinate the rest of the
starving and live in constant fear under people.
the rule of Taliban, which pictures the England transition to democracy started
US as the source of all the evil. People by the victory of the nobles over the
started to run and crowded at the airport absolutist monarchy and the issuance of
as soon as it had become official that the “magna carta”, Medieval Latin for "Great
US would withdraw all its forces and that Charter of Freedoms”, and the conflict
Taliban would take over. They were so resumed for centuries. They did not
desperate that some even stuck to the overcome the absolutist monarchy because
wheels of an airplane as a last resort, English people are more capable and
before falling from the sky. Being ruled qualified for democracy, but because the
by an invader was far better for the balance of power was in their favor against
people of Afghanistan than being ruled the monarchy. Moreover, claiming that
by the terrorist group. Another example liberty and freedom are not for all
humankind and only suitable to the west is
is Iraq, though it is true that the chaos
what actually pure racism is, since it
caused by the invasion by the US was far
implies that some nations are superior and
worse than the regime of Sadam, it does
more capable of making their own choices
not mean that Sadam’s actions or
while others cannot. Also, the crimes that
decisions were right. We are not
the west has historically committed- and
punishing the west by abandoning these
sometimes still does- do not imply that
values, we are punishing ourselves.
these values should be shunned. It is
And the fact that the west adopted these
actually due to these values that the
values first does not mean that these
enslaving of black people ceased to exist. It
values are western. India, Turkey, and
is also due to these values that black
Brazil and most importantly Taiwan
people now have equal right in the west,
offer good examples. Taiwan’s people are
while China is purging the Uyghurs. These
mainly Chinese, and they have adopted
values are both part of the sociological,
democracy while the mainland hasn’t
political, and economic development of
mainly because the elite and leaders do
humans and the path to more development
not want to lose their status or to have to
as well. From the Roman Republic to
defend themselves in front of courts for
medieval Venice, history is full of examples
their crimes. Democracy is indeed for
of nations and civilizations that developed
everyone, though it might be easier to and grew rapidly under these values and
43 implement it in some countries due to started to decline till eventually falling as
certain conditions and circumstances and
soon as these values had been abandoned.
comes in steps as well. But these
circumstances and steps can be