Page 40 - Issue 58
P. 40

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                     This  issue  may  become  even  more
                     important nowadays, after the Toofaan
                     Al-Aqsa  operation  that  acted  as  a

                     strong  blow  to  the  normalization
                     efforts to the extent that some analysts
                     went to believe that Hamas's operation

                     has  mainly  aimed  at  obstructing  this
                     normalization;  as  they  fear  that  their
                     cause  would  be  forgotten  in  the  new
                     security  arrangements  and  alliances  in
                                                                     The  third  message  brought  by  the
                     the region. Ismail Haniyeh, head of the
                                                                     interview  was  embodied  in  bin  Salman's
                     Hamas political bureau, sent a message          desire to reduce dependence on oil as a key
                     that as signals to the Arab countries in        engine  for  the  economy  and  diversify  the
                     general and Saudi Arabia in particular          sources  of  economic  growth  within  the

                     that  normalization  cannot  resolve  the       framework  of  2030  Vision.  Therefore,  it
                     conflict  and  that  the  Zionist  entity       was not surprising to host the interview on
                     cannot  provide  any  benefits  to  them        Sandala  Island,  one  of  the  projects  of
                                                                     Neom  city,  which  His  Highness  aims  to
                     because  it  simply  could  not  protect
                                                                     transform  from  a  desert  into  a  city
                     itself against Hamas fighters.
                                                                     powered by a 100% renewable energy .And
                     Of course, the scene is becoming more           this diversification is not only through the
                     complicated,  especially  after  Saudi          creation of smart and sustainable cities to
                     Arabia’s      decision     to     postpone      attract investments and tourists alike, but
                                                                     also through various entertainment sectors
                     normalization        negotiations       and
                                                                     such as football.
                     refusing  to  condemn  the  Tofaan  Al-
                                                                     As  a  result,  some  accused  the  kingdom
                     Aqsa operation. In addition, it adheres
                                                                     that what it is doing in football is nothing
                     to  the  negotiations  to  give  the
                                                                     but  sport  washing,  but  bin  Salman  has  a
                     Palestinians their rights and rejects the       different opinion that if sport washing will
                     acquisition by Israel of any new lands          increase the GDP from 1 to 1.5%, then he
                     within the Palestinian state, which is no       does  not  mind  this  label,  not  to  mention
                     longer possible today in the light of the       the expansion it represents in the areas of
                     forced displacement and extermination           soft power. The unprecedented efforts led

                     practiced  by  the  Israeli  government         by  MBS  to  diversify  the  sources  of  the
                     against  Palestinian  civilians.  In  any       economy are part of the economic rivalry
                                                                     between  Saudi  Arabia  and  the  UAE  to
                     case,     predicting     the     fate     of
                                                                     attract  investments  from  multinational
                     normalization is no longer simple, but
                                                                     companies  and  develop  tourist  cities,
                     it is certainly no longer "every day, we
                                                                     which  itself  is  in  turn  part  of  a  larger
                     are getting closer".
      39                                                             rivalry  between  the  two  sisters  for
                                                                     leadership of the region.
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