Page 42 - Issue 58
P. 42

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                     Brics....From a Political Perspective

                                   rana Ahmed- Fourth year- Political Science-

                       BRICS is an economic grouping that               On  the  surface,  it  seems  strongly

                       brings  together  Brazil,  Russia,  India,       consistent  due  to  what  has  been
                       China,  and  South  Africa,  as  well  as        mentioned,  but  this  vision  may  be

                       six  new  countries  such  as  Saudi             narrow because it depends only on
                       Arabia,  the  United  Arab  Emirates,            the  economic  dimension.  However,
                       Egypt, Argentina, Ethiopia, and Iran.            if  we  look  at  the  political  side,  we
                        The importance of the integration of            will  find  a  structure  that  includes

                       the  economy  lies  in  the  fact  that  it      countries that are not only different
                                                                        visions  but  competing  or  greatly
                       comprises the decision to 40%  of the
                                                                        contradictory.  For  example,  if  we
                       world's  population,  and  constitute
                                                                        look  at  the  founding  countries,  we
                       about  25,  9%   of  global  GDP  for  the
                                                                        find India and China United despite
                       year  2022,  and  resulted  in  the
                                                                        their border disputes as well as their
                       establishment  of  the  Bank  Asian
                                                                        disputes  over  water  resources,
                       Bank      of    development        as    an
                                                                        which  is  also  an  existing  problem
                       alternative to the World Bank and the
                                                                        between  the  two  newly  acceding
                       International Monetary Fund
                                                                        countries: Egypt and Ethiopia.
                       All  this  comes  within  the  framework
                                                                        The  question  remains:  Will  the
                       of  strengthening  the  economies  of
                                                                        coalition be able to put aside these
                       these  emerging  countries  (ex)  and            political  differences  or  will  they
                       ending  the  American  hegemony,  so             stand  in  the  way  of  achieving  its
                       the goals focused on creating a global           goals

                       balance  in  the  framework  of  the
       41              economy,                     strengthening

                       infrastructure,  enhancing  political

                       and  economic  integration  of  these
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