Page 46 - Issue 58
P. 46

Vol. 1 Issue 58 August 2023                                       ELITE

                                  Prospects of Sustainable Smart Cities

                                                   Dr. Shaimaa Saeed El Araby - Economic Expert - IDSC

                             The article presents an overview of a concept         There are many sustainable smart cities in the
                      that emerged in the 21st century, namely sustainable  world,  including  Masdar  City  in  the  UAE.  It  is
                      cities,  the  motives  for  their  establishment,  their  considered  one  of  the  first  sustainable  cities  in  the
                      goals, and Egypt's experience in establishing them.  Middle  East  to  adopt  a  green  footprint  for  future
                                  Smart  sustainable  cities  are  defined  as  new,  cities and is characterized by low rates of pollution
                      green,  eco-friendly  cities  based  on  the  use  of  and  waste.  Other  examples  are  Stockholm  in
                      information  and  communication  technologies  and  Sweden, Adelaide in Australia, Sion in South Korea,
                      other means to improve the quality of life, raise the  Ontario  in  Canada,  Taipei,  in  Taiwan,  Mitaka  in
                      efficiency of services provided to citizens, and meet  Japan,  New  York  in  the  USA,  and  Vienna  in
                      the  needs  of  present  and  future  generations  with  Austria.  It  is  estimated  that  by  2050,  68%  of  the
                      regard  to  economic,  social,  and  environmental  world's  population,  6.66  billion  people  will  live  in
                      aspects. Smart sustainable cities are characterized by  these cities.
                      a  distinctive  local  urban  character  through  the      The Egyptian Government has begun to establish
                      environmental  urban  design  of  the  city  and  the  new  smart  cities  in  the  desert.  It  was  planned  to
                      provision of open areas for the population. It is also  establish  13  cities  with  international  technological
                      characterized  by  providing  an  excellent  economic  standards that achieve sustainability. New Alamein
                      base that provides suitable job opportunities for its  and New Aswan come on top of the cities. The New
                      residents by attracting local and foreign investments,  Administrative  Capital  (NAC)  is  soon  to  be
                      presenting various educational services as well as in  inaugurated. Such cities mitigate population density
                      all  services,  preserving  the  environment,  and  in  existing  cities,  reduce  urban  encroachments  in
                      expanding the use of renewable energy.          them that pressure services, and achieve sustainable
                                        Smart  sustainable  cities  aim  at  achieving  development in Egypt.
                      efficiency  and  sustainable  development  and  raising          NAC  is  the  first  sustainable  and  smart  city  in
                      the standard of living for citizens. The applications  Egypt located in the east of Cairo. The total area of
                      of  sustainable  smart  cities  appear  in  the  the  city  is  170,000  acres;  it  is  characterized  by  a
                      improvement     of     government     services,  privileged  location  close  to  the  Suez  Canal  area,
                      transportation,  traffic,  energy,  healthcare,  water,  regional  roads,  and  main  axes.  It  is  also
                      and  waste.  There  are  three  main  features  of  characterized   by   a   strong   and   efficient
                      sustainable  smart  cities.  First,  the  infrastructure  is  infrastructure,  the  use  of  digital  technology,  and
      45              based   on   information   and   communication  green spaces represented by the Green River. It is 35
                      technology.  Second,  they  have  a  carefully  defined
                                                                      kilometers long to simulate the Nile River in Cairo;
                      integrated  administrative  framework.  Third,  they
                      abound  with  smart  users,  who  have  the  technical  it is the largest green axis in the world.
                      skills that allow them to interact with smart services
                      and make the most of them.
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